Safe medicine practices: a multidisciplinary approach
European Statement
Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
Betânia Abreu Faria, Sara Barroso, Antonieta Silva, Olga Martins
Why was it done?
Portuguese legislation “The Basic Health Law (No. 95/2019) and the National Plan for Patient Safety 2021-2026 (NPPS 2021-2026) and the goals of the World Health Organization (WHO) are fundamental pillars of healthcare safety. The NPPS has promoted patient safety in the Portuguese National Health Service, focusing on specific issues such as safety culture, unambiguous identification of patients, safe surgery, pressure ulcer prevention, prevention of falls, infections associated with healthcare and incident reporting and drug safety. Thus, it is essential to ensure the training of health professionals (HP) in the field of patient safety and the safe and rational use of medicines. The objectives of the training actions focused on the safe use of medication, promoting patient safety and sharing experiences between the various HP, in order to optimise the circuits and procedures already implemented.
What was done?
Multidisciplinary training actions were carried out within the scope of safe medicine practices.
How was it done?
A team of four pharmacists and one nurse carried out training actions in the context of Safe Medicines Practices. The following topics were addressed: medicine circuit; good practices in drug preparation; identification of medicines: Look-Alike Sound-Alike (LASA) and High-Alert Drugs; physicochemical incompatibilities; factors that modify stability after reconstitution/dilution; fractionation and crushing of Solid Oral Pharmaceutical Forms (SOPF); drug information sources; reporting adverse drug reactions and other incidents; good practices in medication administration.
What has been achieved?
Training actions were carried out with a total of 29 hours of training and 357 participants. Suggestions for improvement were presented: optimisation of drug signage, compliance with established circuits, logistical aspects, on time drug information, improvement of communication channels, increase in the frequency of training actions. The trainees expressed receptiveness and interest in this initiative, which provided content that was little discussed and very relevant to their daily practice.
What next?
The correct preparation and administration of medicines is essential to safeguard their effectiveness and patient safety, which is the ultimate goal of every health professional’s daily activity. The Pharmacist, as part of the multidisciplinary team, must promote strategies that safeguard Safe Practices throughout the drug circuit. Hence it is important to ensure the continuity of these trainings.