Routine generation of real-world evidence: an integrated system for the systematic recording of clinical data on innovative outpatient hospital medicines
European Statement
Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
Manuel Mazarío-García, Amparo Molina Lázaro, Gemma Garrido Alejos, Ferran Sala-Piñol, Núria Juvanet Ribot, Lluís de Haro i Martin
Why was it done?
In 2011, the Catalan Health Service (CatSalut) introduced the Registry of Patients and Treatments of Outpatient Hospital Medicines (RPT-OHM) within their Standard Health Record Platform (SHRP) for the comprehensive evaluation, effectiveness and safety of OHM. CatSalut requires fulfilling RPT-OHM before medicines billing. However, SHRP lacked integration with ICS’ clinical and billing information systems.
What was done?
The Catalan Health Institute (ICS) is the largest healthcare provider in Catalonia and is made up of eight hospitals. The ICS developed and implemented a structured data collection tool named the Hospital-Information-System-integrated Registry of Patients and Treatments (RPT-HIS). This tool systematically collects a range of critical information, spanning from prescription inception to treatment cessation, such as:
• Administrative patient, prescriber, and treatment particulars.
• Active ingredients or combinations, initiation and termination dates, therapeutic indications, and ICD-10 diagnoses.
• Baseline clinical variables recorded upon treatment commencement.
• Dynamic clinical data captured or typed from medical records throughout follow-up according to predefined intervals.
• Cessation variables detailing reasons for treatment discontinuation.
How was it done?
At ICS’ headquarters, a dedicated team of internal business analysts and functional support officers, along with contracted developers, collaborated to design, implement, and maintain RPT-HIS. Monthly coordination meetings ensure efficient integration of new OHM and monitor the registry’s progress. Simultaneously, a network of local reference pharmacists emerged in all eight ICS hospitals, fostering continuous knowledge exchange and driving innovative enhancements.
What has been achieved?
In the first half of 2023, 52,907 initiation, follow-up, or discontinuation forms were completed. Among these, 93.7% met all preset treatment-specific validation rules, underscoring the initiative’s effectiveness. Subsequently, utilization and budgetary impact reports across ICS hospitals have been elaborated, covering general and special patient populations, indicating a positive impact on operational efficiency and patient care.
What next?
In the near future, the real-world data amassed and stored in RPT-HIS could help to underpin refined drug therapy, optimize health outcomes, and strategically position medicines for specific conditions, also aiding in selection and purchase. This initiative serves as a model of good practice, demonstrating the potential of integrated data collection systems, aligned with the routine process of OHM utilization, to improve patient care. The successful implementation of RPT-HIS suggests its viability for adoption in other healthcare settings.