Romiplostim preparation and distribution in ready to administer weekly syringes to patients
European Statement
Production and Compounding
Why was it done?
Romiplostim should be administered once weekly as a subcutaneous injection. The initial dose is 1µg/kg. According to platelet response (PR) the dose should be increased until the patient achieves platelet count over 50,000 platelets/µL(maximum dose=10µg/kg). In order to maintain durable PR, weekly doses of romiplostim are prescribed and adjusted every 4-6weeks. Although patients could be trained for the injection preparation, many had reported difficulties to understand instructions and calculations of concentrations/volume. Romiplostim vials have a significant overdose to ensure the extraction of the declared amount. The actual content of the 250µg vial was found to be 360 µg (110µg excess). The 500µg vial contents 600µg. In addition, patients should discard the unused part. The aim is to centralise the preparation/distribution of individualised weekly doses of romiplostim for each patient in RtA syringes that allows them to receive the correct dose and to maximise the use of vials.
What was done?
We develop a procedure for the preparation and distribution of individualised weekly doses of romiplostim prepared in the sterile preparation area in prefilled syringes Ready to Administer (RtA) by the patient.
How was it done?
The Pharmacy service (PS) prepares the individualised doses in syringes RtA in a laminar-flow cabinet. The waste of the vial is kept to be reused.
The main obstacle is the increase in the volume of daily preparations in the PS due to dose individualisation. This obstacle is overcome with fluid communication with the Haematology service that reports prescriptions with a duration of up to 21 days (if the patient´s control is adequate).
What has been achieved?
From the past 3 years (2019-2021), we prepared individualised syringes for 36 patients. The centralised preparation reduces unused romiplostin waste allowing a cost saving of near 50% of drug spending. Specifically, in this 3-year period, €385,759.00 were saved.
What next?
Preparation of RtA syringes of romiplostim under sterile conditions in a laminar-flow cabinet helps patient’s auto-administration (since is an easier dispositive) and allows for greater use and significant economic savings. It is a process that can be easily extrapolated to any PS. Next step would be to carry out stability studies in order to be able to work further in advance and allow to space out hospital visits of well-controlled patients.