European Statement
Education and Research
Cristina González Pérez, María de la Paz Pacheco Ramos, María de la Torre Ortiz, Virginia Puebla García, Jesús Airam Domínguez Cháfer, Alba de Diego Peña, Nuria Fernández Piñeiro, José Julio Gómez Castillo, María Fernández-Vázquez Crespo, María Teresa Benítez Giménez
Why was it done?
The official hospital pharmacy training program, established in 1999, includes outdated and incomplete content on research. This update aims to ensure essential R&I knowledge, create a reference framework for evaluating research competencies, and promote impactful R&I projects.
What was done?
Design a specific research and innovation (R&I) training program for Internal Resident Pharmacists (IRP) as a cross-disciplinary area that integrates theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
How was it done?
In March 2024, a team of tutors, the R&I head, residents, the Pharmacy Department head, in collaboration with a project manager and the Innovation Unit, reviewed the official program, training plan, and competency evaluations. They selected the most relevant and accessible skills for residency.
What has been achieved?
Competencies (evaluation system)
1. Basic competence: Research Methodology
1a. Knowledge (exam):
1ai. Bibliographic search. Reference managers
1aii. Epidemiology. Evidence-based medicine
1aiii. Clinical research. Good clinical practice
1aiv. Real-life evidence
1av. Introduction to statistics
1b. Skills (direct observation + practical cases):
1bi. Bibliographic management
1bii. Critical reading
1biii. Statistics interpretation
1c. Attitudes (direct observation):
1ci. Proactive research attitude, critical thinking
2. Advanced competence: Project management
2a. Knowledge (exam):
2ai. Innovation project conceptualization
2aii. Research protocol writing
2aiii. Schedule and budget management
2aiv. Patient information sheet and informed consent writing
2av. Research Ethics Committee documentation
2avi. Public/private competitive calls search
2b. Skills (portfolio):
2bi. R&I project management
2c. Attitudes (direct observation):
2ci. Leading innovative projects in multidisciplinary teams
3. Advanced competence: Data processing and dissemination
3a. Knowledge (exam):
3ai. Data protection. Case Report Form (CRF)
3aii. Scientific writing
3aiii. Scientific communication publication
3b. Skills (portfolio, direct observation):
3bi. CRF design and implementation using REDCap®
3bii. Data management with business Intelligence and statistics software
3biii. Publications, conference communications, research grants, or doctoral thesis
3c. Attitudes (Direct observation):
3ci. Responsibility in data protection
3cii. New technology implementation
What next?
Reorganize content for phased implementation over the four-year residency period, ensuring that the curriculum evolves to incorporate emerging trends in pharmacy practice and R&I methodologies.