European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Susana Redondo-Capafons, Laura Soriano, Irene López-Rico, Jorge Del Estal, Rocío Cebrián, Marcela Manriquez, Maria Reventós, Sandra Fernández-Molina, Mònica Gómez-Valent
Why was it done?
Before CTSS was performed, TSS were requested to Pharmacy Department for evaluation and decision. Because of complexity of these treatments, it was decided that it was necessary to evaluate them with other professionals to make a consensual decision.
In May 2019, CTSS was born. It is a multidisciplinary committee with 10 different health professionals: head of pharmacy, head of healthcare management, head of strategy and operations management, a clinical pharmacologist, five pharmacists and a secretary. Requesting doctors and heads of involved services are invited to explain TSS in the meeting.
What was done?
Committee (C) of Treatments in Special Situations (TSS) (CTSS) have been established. Requests are received by a specific email for the committee and a standard template was performed to be completed by requesting doctor (patient clinical information and evidence supporting request) and by Pharmacy Service (regulatory status of the drug, pharmacology and cost of treatment).
How was it done?
Some limitations as lack of human resources with exclusive dedication for making reports and lack of training in evaluation of this kind of treatments are the most important obstacles. Currently, each member is self-taught and under excessive work- pressure.
What has been achieved?
From May 2019 to August 2021, 273 treatments in 59 meetings sessions (average 4.63 evaluations/meeting) were evaluated.
The 91,6% of treatments were approved. In 95,9% of requests, one drug was evaluated.
There were 18 services involved, being oncology and hematology the most active departments.
Evaluated TSS were classified in six categories: 66,7% of requests were drugs without approved indication, 19,8% drugs approved indication pending price by government, 2,5% approved indication but denied funding by government, 1,8% foreign medicines, 4% compassionate use and 5.2% others according to criteria of each autonomous communities in Spain.
What next?
CTSS allows make a consensual decision between different professionals and establishes a flow to manage TSS requests. This multidisciplinary scenario generates knowledge and evidence in the use of these kind drugs reducing uncertainty in TSS use in relation to its efficacy and safety and, in cases of high budgetary impact-drugs, to minimize inequities of access by standardizing decision-making. Applicable to all hospitals.