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Pallet box implementation: a combination of improved working conditions, storage and waste optimisation?
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Why was it done?
We decided to experiment this new solution on coronarography-packs, which presents the biggest rotation among surgery-packs (5,392 units estimated for 2,023), in order to improve working conditions of logistic workers, decrease musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and optimise storage.
What was done?
Pallet box have been implemented as a new logistic solution for surgery-packs in our hospital pharmacy on a proposal from one of our biggest suppliers. The aim of this comparative study between 52-pack pallet boxes and the previous storage solution by 4-pack boxes was to assess the potential benefit on handling work, storage, waste and its economic impact.
How was it done?
In order to compare these two solutions, we clocked the time and evaluated the cost of transport from delivery gate to storage room and healthcare-unit order-picking step (from picking up the first pack to cardboard flattening). We also estimated the amount of waste associated.
What has been achieved?
Pallet-boxes enable a 24% room saving (52 pallet-spots yearly (2 pallet-boxes piled on one spot) instead of 68) and a 31% global time saving (22 hours yearly (13h transport + 9h order picking) instead of 32 hours (17h transport + 15h order picking)). Time saving on order picking was 40%: picking step of one pack from a pallet box requires on average 6 seconds whereas 10 seconds were needed from 4-packs-boxes. Yearly 104 pallet-boxes (603 kg of empty cardboards) will be manipulated whereas 1,348 4-pack-boxes (1,213 kg) used to be handled resulting in a 2-fold decrease. Even though pallet-boxes halve cardboard-waste, they represent 1.5 times more wooden-pallets’ waste (104 versus 68). Furthermore the price of coronarography-packs are impacted by a 2% increase representing around 4,100€ yearly which is not balanced by savings on transport or order picking (10h ≈ 150€).
What next?
Logistic workers are unanimously satisfied in implementing pallet-boxes as it facilitates their work on many aspects: pallet transport, order picking, waste disposal. Despite being costlier, a decision has been made to implement pallet-boxes in the long-term in order to improve waste management and working conditions of logistic workers. Our hospital pharmacy is already thinking about extending pallet-boxes to other references in order to assess more precisely their impact on MSD in logistic workers.