European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Mia P von Hallas, Trine RH Andersen
Why was it done?
Physicians in acute wards have limited time to see all patients. Time for medication history, reconciliation and review is limited, due to great patient turnover. The physicians did not consider the pharmacist medication review alone as a contribution to the workflow or to relieve the high workload.
What was done?
Through user surveys among the physicians in the Acute Ward, pharmacist tasks were adjusted to benefit the physician’s high work flow. Before the survey, pharmacists performed medication reviews which were communicated to the physician. The adjusted pharmacist tasks on the ward includes medication history, reconciliation and transfer of the medication to the electronic medicine module (Epic), securing up-to-date medicine data during hospitalisation.
How was it done?
A questionnaire was developed regarding four areas (Pharmacist competencies, Pharmacist tasks, Pharmacist medication review, Multidisciplinary teamwork) and distributed among the physicians. Based on the anonymous responses, the pharmacists adjusted their tasks to include medication history, medication reconciliation and transfer of medication to Epic, complying with the suggestions in the questionnaire survey. Obstacles were low percentage of respondents (15/33 (45%) prior to the initiative and 12/39 (31 %) after), and the large replacement of junior physicians in the period between surveys.
What has been achieved?
Pharmacists feel more part of the multidisciplinary team and attitudes towards the pharmacist service among physicians has changed. A new survey after implementation of the new workflow showed that 73% found medication reconciliation was a pharmacist task, compared to 29% before. After implementation, 90% of physicians believed that pharmacists could do medication review (67% before intervention). The acknowledgement that pharmacists were able to transfer medication to Epic was increased from 20% to 90%. The attitude has changed from considering pharmacists as medication advisers to considering pharmacists as part of the multidisciplinary team in the ward.
What next?
The questionnaire survey will be repeated annually to continually improve the workflow and contribution of clinical pharmacist services to the heathcare professional team in the acute ward.