Optimised and sustainable distribution and handling of medicines to psychiatric outpatients
European Statement
Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
Louise Stilling Rasmussen, Lene Juhl Biltsted, Majken Nørskov Petersen
Why was it done?
To implement EAHP statements on Patient Safety and Quality Assurance the hospital pharmacist carried out the intervention in one of the largest psychiatric clinics in the region. The following challenges were observed: Lack of transparency for healthcare professionals. Inflexible and time consuming workflow which did not accommodate the needs in the medical treatment at the clinic. The workflow caused waste of medicine. Changes in the medical treatment, which caused medicine being surplus and ended up expiring. The distribution was expensive and not sustainable.
What was done?
By changing the handling and distribution of medication for psychiatric patients who are entitled to free medicine from the hospital, we now have an agile, streamlined, patient-safe and transparent workflow that ensures patient safety by accommodation of the seven rights, increases the flexibility and availability of medicine to the patient’s current treatment and gives a more sustainable handling of medicine. Furthermore, resulted in direct and indirect financial savings (estimated direct savings 8%, DKK 250,000).
How was it done?
A medication room was reorganised by the pharmacist according to ATC codes, shelf fronts, active ingredients and expiry date.
Establishment of a computer and scanner, linked to the national Shared Medication Record containing all patients’ prescriptions.
Medicine is ordered online from the hospital pharmacy.
What has been achieved?
New modern quality assured medication room with electronic registration of medicines dispensed to the patients. This provides transparency of the medical treatment across the healthcare sector. The medicines are stored correctly, and the integrity is maintained until immediate use and permit correct administration. Elimination of medication waste and reduced time consumption for healthcare personnel gave an estimated direct savings of approx. DKK 250,000 plus an uncalculated saving of staff time. Finally, a more sustainable management of medicines and reduced the risk of errors regarding medical distribution was achieved.
What next?
The results of this project have scaling potential. A presentation for decision-makers about implementing the solution elsewhere is ongoing. The handling and distribution has been changed from patient-labelled medication to secure digital registration of the medication dispensing from the medicine room, which now allows complete traceability of all medicines dispensed by the pharmacy.