European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Eliln Trapnes, Nina Carstens, Merethe Nilsen, Solveig Vist, Margareth Wiik, Janne Kutschera Sund
Why was it done?
In 2012 all the regional hospital pharmacy trusts in Norway decided to implement the IMM-model as a national method for clinical pharmacy practice in hospital settings. Although an extensive amount of training and education has been provided locally and regionally, there was a lack of defined core competencies for clinical pharmacists in Norway. Furthermore, a complete post graduate education program for clinical pharmacists did not exist. Based on this, the managements of the regional hospital pharmacy trusts requested defined skills sets and identification of relevant educational needs and opportunities.
What was done?
A joint national overview of core competencies for clinical pharmacists working in Norwegian hospitals has been compiled. Learning objectives have been defined for each of the steps in the Integrated Medicines Management (IMM)-model (Medication Reconciliation, Medication Review, Patient Counseling and Discharge Service). Relevant education opportunities were identified and recommendations on courses, practical training and other educational activities were described.
How was it done?
A group of six experienced clinical pharmacists representing all the hospital pharmacy trusts in Norway agreed upon core competencies needed to perform the main steps in the Integrated Medicines Management (IMM)-model (Medication Reconciliation, Medication Review, Patient Counseling and Discharge Service) in Norwegian hospitals. Existing education opportunities were compared to the defined learning objectives and a recommended time schedule for the training was made.
What has been achieved?
A national consensus on core competencies in clinical pharmacy services has been reached among all hospital pharmacies in Norway. The consensus, including the evaluation and recommendation of educational activities, makes it easier for leaders of clinical pharmacists to decide on which educational activities to prioritize, and for the Universities to know what educational areas they should cover.
What next?
The report with the identified core competencies will be adjusted according to local requirements and implemented in all Norwegian hospital pharmacies. Hopefully, our work will encourage further cooperation on educational activities between regions. An initiative has already started towards Norwegian Universities to try to integrate relevant competencies into the curricula of pharmacists, and this will continue.