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A multi-disciplinary teams’ collaborative approach to transition benralizumab dependent severe eosinophilic asthmatic patients to self-administration in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Grainne D’Ancona, Niall Stewart-Kelcher, Schaya Bains, Andrew Hearn, Joanne Kavangh, Cris Roxas, Linda Green, Linda Thomson, Marianna Fernandes, Brian Kent, Alexandra NanzerKelly, David Jackson, Jaideep Dhariwal
Why was it done?
The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the rapid transition of benralizumab dependent SEA patients onto home administration to facilitate on-going therapy in a cohort of patients who were “shielding” under UK government guidance.
What was done?
246 severe eosinophilic asthmatic (SEA) patients treated with benralizumab; a biologic agent targeting the human interleukin-5 receptor (IL-5Rα), at a specialist NHS asthma clinic, were transferred to self-administration at home in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Alongside this, patients continued to need to be newly initiated on benralizumab therapy in spite of the pandemic and innovative pathways were created to ensure rapid initiation of therapy and home administration.
How was it done?
A varied multi-disciplinary team including pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, specialist nurses, doctors, physios and phycologist conducted a variety of in-person and virtual (telephone and video) consultations to consent and train patients on self-administration in their own homes in a rapid transfer to home administration.
What has been achieved?
We have investigated this patient cohort for any unwarranted effects by comparing the last Asthma Control Questionnaire-6 (ACQ6) measured in clinic with that collected by telephone consultation 8-12 weeks after transition to home administration. 246 benralizumab patients were included in the analysis, of whom 49 (20%) were new. There was no significant difference in pre-biologic ACQ6, pre-homecare (baseline) ACQ6 or post-homecare ACQ6 between the new and established patient groups. Both cohorts exhibited a similar magnitude of improvement in their ACQ6 following the transition to home administration (-0.73 in the established group vs -0.73 in the new group, both P<0.0001). We have demonstrated that early transition to home administration in patients treated with benralizumab is not associated with worse clinical outcomes as assessed by ACQ6.
What next?
Evaluation of patient experience on the switch to self-administration is currently being carried out via patient surveys with this data due to be completed in early 2021. Further research is required to understand the potential influence of lockdown and/or telephone vs face-to-face ACQ reporting.