Measures taken in hospital management following the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Why was it done?
The aim of the study is to assess the crisis impact on the consumption of pharmaceutical products in the intensive care unit in order to estimate, rationalize the need and prevent supply problems.
What was done?
Due to Covid-19 pandemic and its major economic impact, we carried out a comparative study of the consumption of pharmaceutical products in the intensive care unit before and during the crisis.
How was it done?
A list of pharmaceutical products to be evaluated has been established beforehand. The choice was made for the products most used in intensive care units in accordance with the recommendations of COVID management. The list includes drugs and medical devices.
In order to compare the consumption of these products in terms of quantity and cost, data collection was carried out over two periods, each of 6 months, before and during the crisis in Tunisia. The first from January 1st, 2019 to June 30th, 2019, the second from January 1st, 2021 to June 30th, 2021.
What has been achieved?
As a result of this assessment, it was possible to quantify the increase in several drugs and medical devices. It led us to:
-modulate our supply of these products
-take rationalization measures in cooperation with doctors
-develop management protocols according to the recommendations and available products
– close monitoring of prescriptions and compliance with protocols in order to optimize consumption, avoid any abuse and limit breaks as much as possible.
Tab. Variation of consumption and cost
Product Consumption2019 Consumption2021 Variation factor of the consumption Variation factor of the cost
Hypnotic curares 25 170 6.8 8.1
Antithrombotics 647 2286 3.5 8.1
Antibiotics 932 4060 4.4 11.2
Fluconazole 240 378 1.6 1.9
Dexamethasone 845 1268 1.5 2.0
Isolation gown 740 6925 9.4 7.8
Masks 6100 13300 2.2 2.2
hydroalcoholic products 123 217 1.8 1.8
What next?
A generalization of the drafting and updating of the protocols concerning the management and the dispensing is programmed for all the other departments which will be validated by the therapeutic committee and the antibiotics committee.