European Statement
Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
R. Malberger
A. Shinawi
M. Hamed said
C. Hamza
Why was it done?
We developed a unique ambulatory medical and pharmaceutical service providing treatment for children with autoimmune diseases at Carmel hospital.
What was done?
The ambulatory children’s clinic in Carmel hospital provides several medical services for children including those with autoimmune fever diseases, treated with canakinumab (ILARIS), a monoclonal antibody drug .
The ILARIS is given individually at the clinic during morning hours simultaneously with other treatments. The dosage is calculated individually, the remaining drug goes to waste. The treatment is not supplied by a permanent medical team.
Our initiative aims to establish a specific multidisciplinary service for ILARIS patients which will increase the quality, safety and economic efficiency of the treatment.
How was it done?
1. The current medical service was analyzed including all needs and goals, infrastructures and obstacles.
2. The pharmacy presented a multidisciplinary plane addressing all goals and difficulties suggesting a specific time scheduled for ILARIS treatments exclusively, involving a personal rheumatologist, a trained nursing team and a pharmacist dispensing process.
3. Assessment tools including financial formulas and patients’ questionnaire were established before implementation began.
What has been achieved?
1. The patient receives the services of a personal rheumatologist and a familiar trained nursing staff.
2. From the pharmacy perspective the intervention led to a decrease in prescription, preparation and administration errors as well as an impressive economical decrease in the cost of drug waste, saving more than 400,000$ over 13 months.
3. Questionnaires collected show increase in patients and family satisfaction.
4. Patients do not loose school or work days.
5. Community bonds between families of ILARIS patients were formed.
What next?
creating a unique treatment plan for ILARIS patients, collaboration of nursing, pharmacy and medical teams led to a significant improvement in the quality of care, economic efficiency and an increase in the satisfaction of patients. Our initiative achieved its aim in a short time and can be
applied to a verity of medical services in diverse settings in any clinic or hospital worldwide.