Implementation of a tool for annual quality assessment of drug information provided by hospital pharmacies
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Dorothea Strobach, Ute Chiriac, Sigrun Klausner, Claudia Langebrake, Christiane Querbach, Carolin Schuhmacher
Why was it done?
Although guidelines for DI demand regular quality assurance procedures, no method of evaluation is internationally agreed on. The tool should be feasible, reproducible and reflect real-life quality of DI. It should allow to identify areas for quality improvement in general and for every participant.
What was done?
We developed a tool for annual quality assessment of drug information (DI) provided by hospital pharmacies on behalf of the German Association of Hospital Pharmacists ADKA e.V.. The tool has been successfully implemented for four years.
How was it done?
We developed a new tool for quality assessment of DI using a fictitious test enquiry and simulated real-life conditions and proved it representative for real-life quality [1]. The answers for the test enquiry are evaluated by blinded experts for content and formal requirements. For four years, 2017-2020, annual assessment of DI was offered to German language hospital pharmacies with changing topics and enquiry levels. Participants receive their own result in comparison to average of all regarding content-related and formal requirements. A proposal for an answer is published afterwards for educational purposes.
What has been achieved?
The annual DI quality assessment tool was successfully implemented as shown by increasing numbers of participating hospital pharmacies (45/71/79/118). Areas for improvement have been identified in general and can be identified by each participant as well. As an example, presentation of references has improved over the years [2]. Since 2018, a certificate of participation is offered as document for quality assurance audits thereby underlining the importance of this hospital pharmacy service.
What next?
Annual quality assessment for DI by hospital pharmacies will be further offered. Results over years will be evaluated for overall effect of the annual test tool on quality improvement regarding content-related and formal requirements. This method for annual quality assessment of DI provided by hospital pharmacies could be implemented by other countries.
1. Strobach D et al. EJHP 2020 online ahead of print. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2020-002409
2. Strobach D et al. Krankenhauspharmazie 2020;41:187-91