European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Gutiérrez Palomo, S; Guillén Martínez, O; Miralles Andreu, G; Jiménez Pulido, IP; Soriano Irigaray, L; Murcia López, AC.
Why was it done?
Pharmacy Service(PS)initiates the evaluation, management and procurement of medicines in exceptional circumstances(MEC), a complex process in terms of each treatment requeriment, the regulatory agencies/professionals involved and the phases/timescales of the evaluation process, which can be improved by the implementation of technology.
What was done?
The objective is to describe the implementation of a specific informatic platform(IP)for the use of MEC in a PS.
The IP was implemented in September 2023 to centralize the request MEC process by the optimization of their monitoring and evaluation and to promote specific management knowledge for each treatment.
How was it done?
1. The responsible physician contacts the PS to initiate a treatment considered as MEC, submitting an individualised prescription per patient.
2. The PS determines the specific treatment procedure and the authorizations needed to make the request to the responsible agency.
3. The PS introduces the request into the IP and attaches the corresponding individualised treatment document.
4. With the agreement and signature of the PS head, the request is sent to the Hospital Director for evaluation and conformity, recording the date of processing in the IP.
5. After having the hospital approvals, PS sends the request to the corresponding agency, attaching the document in the IP.
6. Once the request has been assessed by the apropriate health agency, the resolution document is attached in the IP, recording the resolution date and updating its status.
7. The IP is connected to the electronic medical record program , generating an automatic report with the request resolution in the patient’s medical record.
What has been achieved?
Since September 2023, 217 MEC requests have been received. As for their resolution, 190(88%) were authorised, 14(6%)pending resolution, 9(4%) refused and 4(2%)cancelled. By medical services, the most requests were distributed as follows: 69(32%) oncology, 27(12%) haematology, 18(8%) neurology, 16(7%) anaesthesiology, 14 (6%) cardiology. The drugs with the most requests were: glycopyrronium(16), atezolizumab(9), cysplatine(8), pembrolizumab(7), bevacizumab(6), mavacamten(6), nadolol(6), labetalol(6).
What next?
A simple, user-friendly and highly useful platform that can be implemented in any PS with a pharmacist specialised in the management of MEC and included in multidisciplinary teams.