European Statement
Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
Adeline HERLIN, Hermine ZIGA, Pauline PAYOT
Why was it done?
The aim is to continuously improve quality and efficiency.
What was done?
In the interests of continuous quality improvement, we have set up a suggestion box in the pharmacy’s unit repackaging sector.
How was it done?
We have set up a suggestion box for technician and pharmacists.
Each person can submit ideas or questions, anonymously or not.
After one month, the box was unpacked. The ideas and queries were analysed and discussed.
What has been achieved?
Eight points were raised.
One point concerns procedures.
The existing procedures on the intranet network are not well known to users. We have provided an easy-to-access binder.
Three points relate to packaging methods (list of products according to packaging method, removal of expired packaged products, mismatch of the Eticonform® label with the blister pack).
A decision tree was made (Euraf®: large quantities, multi-dose vials, magistral formula, small blister packs). The printing of the ledgers indicates the packaged products and their expiry dates. The removal of expired products is done according to the ledgers. A precaution must be taken when editing labels Eticonform® “laboratory” labels. Indeed, the size of the blister packs differs from one laboratory to another.
The fifth point concerns the organization.
Technicians wish a storage area dedicated to repackaged specialties to compensate for stock errors.
After discussion, we did not retain this proposal.
The other point concerns the lack of equipment.
A stool and a ruler were provided.
The penultimate point concerns the use of returns from services in multi-dose vials.
We propose the packaging of small units with expiry dates < 3 months with the Euraf® bagging machine.
Otherwise (e.g. Carbimazole), we propose the packaging of sufficient quantities for 7 days in the vials with pre-printed labels with an expiry date of one week.
The last point concerns the labelling of blisters with desiccant capsule (e.g. Nicorandil).
We offer Eticonform® re-labelling with a statement: USE BY xx/xx/202x (30 days after re-labelling).
What next?
The involvement of the technician team in a proactive approach to risk management is essential. We wanted to harness their practical expertise and energize the team.
The box will be integrated into our current practice.