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A human albumin (HA) prescription model as strategy to maximise the appropriate use in shortage conditions


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European Statement

Introductory Statements and Governance


Giorgia Babaglioni, Lorenzo Silva, Elena Festa, Daniela Paganotti, Tullio Elia Testa

Why was it done?

In Italy, the rising PDMPs demand had to face the international shortage caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic outbreak. The self-sufficiency level of albumin represents one of the National Blood Centre (NBC) main challenge, in view of the health system sustainability.

What was done?

The hospital pharmacy of a northern Italy centre, in accordance with the Good Use of Blood Committee, introduced a nominal form for human albumin (HA) requests to evaluate and rationalise the HA clinical-therapeutic demand. It represents a pharmacist led intervention approach shared by physicians, in favour of an economically sustainable healthcare contrasting the lack of plasma-derived medicinal products (PDMPs).

How was it done?

Prescription criteria were updated according to the most recent guidelines. The cut-off of blood albumin level above 2.5 g/dl has been introduced as eligibility threshold value and for the daily dose calculation, except for HA calculation based on volumes for plasmapheresis and large volume evacuative paracentesis in hepatic cirrhosis. The pharmacy provides a maximum of five days therapy, then a new revaluation and updating of blood albuminemia was required; 690 total requests were analyzed.

What has been achieved?

In March 2023, HA consumption was 61400 gr, collapsed by 75% in April and then settled at – 58% in May and June. The most important reductions in monthly requirements affected the surgical (- 75%), intensive (- 62%), internist (- 64%) and gastro-hepatological (- 52%) areas. 97,5% of requests were on-label: 20% for plasmapheresis or paracentesis, 21% for liver failure, 16% for cirrhosis of the liver with refractory ascites. 26% of requests (n = 180) reported in-range blood albumin value, while the 14% was unknown or ongoing because administered in emergency phase. 37% of requests has been evaded even if the blood albumin was > 2,5 g/dl due to mandatory clinical need. Thanks to the new prescription model it was possible to save € 91 752 in the second quarter.

What next?

The introduction of the reasoned request allowed to achieve albumin self-sufficiency with voluntary blood donations and reduce the market products purchase. Furthermore, it fostered the clinicians awareness on the HA use appropriateness, considering crystalloids and non-protein colloids as alternative therapeutic strategies as resuscitation fluids.


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