European Statement
Production and Compounding
Why was it done?
The publication of NIOSH List of Antineoplastic and Other Hazardous Drugs in Healthcare Settings established that crushing tablets or making solutions
from them means an unasceptable risk at hospitals.
In adtition to this, USP 800 and Directive 2004/37/EC of the European Parliament on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work , impose the use of closed system devices and a plastic pouch to contain any dust or particles generated in these operations.
Conversely, there is no closed system device to crush, disperse and administer safely .
What was done?
We developed a new medical device to protect caregivers from exposure risk derived from crushing and dispersing in water hazardous drugs tablets.
How was it done?
We designed a new medical devide by combining existing issues so as to develop a workable solution that could overcome this safety problem and ensure the compliance with occupational regulations , and ensure a complete dosage.
What has been achieved?
We patented a new medical device that will allow a safe administration reducing exposure risk and environmental pollution at : pharmacy departments ( cross contamination in cabinets ) , nursery units and even at patient´s homes to protect caregivers and relatives.
Its design and simplicity of operation will favor its universalization.
This is an initiative of a hospital pharmacist to solve a daily problem and an example of the our potential in healthcare innovation.
What next?
The commercialization of this medical device will fulfill an unmet need in our daily practice at helathcare facilities and patients homes