Extensive renal pharmacotherapy course for hospital pharmacists
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Why was it done?
Kidney disease carries a significant worldwide health burden. In more the incidence of stage III chronic kidney disease in more than 9%. Many hospitals in Oman have special units of nephrology but clinical pharmacy services for these patients are almost none. It was important to upskill practicing pharmacists’ knowledge and skills to provide comprehensive pharmaceutical care for patients with renal diseases.
What was done?
An online 8-week course was developed by an experienced and certified renal clinical pharmacist with an aim of enhancing the knowledge and skills of pharmacists practising in primary, secondary and tertiary care hospitals in Oman. The course covered all the topics required to develop the skills of the pharmacists to enable them to deal with renal prescriptions and be able to intervene in any medication related problem in patients with kidney diseases. Before and after knowledge assessment was done for the participants to enable justify the benefits of the Course. Towards the end of the course a satisfaction survey was also completed by the participants to provide ensure achieving desired outcomes.
How was it done?
The course was hybrid and the beginning with some sessions carried out face-to-face and some online.
The course included topics such as acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, drug induced kidney diseases, medication management in renal replacement therapy and kidney disease complications. The course was interactive with case study discussions, question and answer sessions and some assignments done by the participants at home. The course was designed based on Kirkpatrick foundational principles with consideration of the four levels of learning.
What has been achieved?
Twenty pharmacists participated in the first cohort and 23 in the second cohort. The attendance was more than 90% throughout the course. The pharmacists were keen to learn and ask questions. There was a clear difference in knowledge before and after the course with only 19% of participants passing the pre-course assessment compared to more than 80% of participants passing the post-course assessment.
What next?
The course was highly appreciated by the participants and would run the course and regular intervals with considerations to applications from the Gulf region since they share similar practice and disease burden.