The European Paediatric Formulary: a reinforced approach for improved monographs
European Statement
Production and Compounding
Théo Henriet, Jane Francomb, Dirk Leutner, Jörg Breitkreutz
Why was it done?
The PaedForm project was launched as a bibliographical exercise, with the aim of collecting age-appropriate formulations from existing formularies or from established sources in Europe and incorporating them into the PaedForm.
However, the data underpinning existing monographs were not as complete as expected and errors in the source data were observed. Adding an experimental verification step was therefore crucial to ensuring the reliability and the appropriate quality of the formulations described in PaedForm and demonstrating that the monographs could be used in practice.
What was done?
A decision to add an experimental verification to the elaboration process for monographs to be published in the European Paediatric Formulary (PaedForm) was recommended by the experts from the PaedF working party (PaedF WP) – assisted by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare (EDQM) – and supported by the European Committee on Pharmaceuticals and Pharmaceutical Care and the European Pharmacopoeia Commission.
This verification step involved checking the preparation against the description in the monograph and, where necessary, completing it. Samples prepared during this step were then tested to check that the quality control methods included in the monograph were suitable. The findings were used to determine whether the monograph could be completed.
Where necessary, this experimental verification would include tests such as the microbial challenge test as described in European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) general chapter 5.1.3.
How was it done?
Experts from the PaedF WP support the need for practical verification and perform the experimental verification if needed. The EDQM supported this work by sourcing active substances and consumables and by organising analytical testing for techniques not available to the experts.
What has been achieved?
This approach enabled the enhancement of a furosemide oral formulation. The composition of this formulation as described in the source material did not meet the Ph. Eur. requirements for antimicrobial preservation, so it was changed to include a higher concentration of the preservative and comply with the Ph. Eur. requirements.
What next?
The PaedF WP will continue to expand PaedForm by elaborating new monographs covering unmet therapeutic needs. Users are invited to contribute to this process by commenting on texts published in the PaedForm Pharmeuropa public consultation platform.