The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
Digitization: a key to improve health condition of patients with cancer disease
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Why was it done?
the app was developed in order to improve therapeutic adherence, pharmacological counseling, management of adverse events and increase pharmacovigilance’s reports with higher data quality. The World Health Organization recognizes that 20% of health is due to medical care, 20-30% to lifestyle, while the remainder depends on the environmental, social, genetic and psychological conditions of the individual. The goal of this app is to improve patient’s therapeutic path at different levels and breaking down geographical barriers.
What was done?
the Sars-cov-2 pandemic entailed a lot of new challenges for the Hospital pharmacist . As the scenario was completely new, it was developed an app to better manage patients with cancer disease treated with oral chemotherapy.
How was it done?
Patient has been divided into two groups, of which only one group use the app to manage the therapy. The primary endpoint was the improvement of therapeutic adherence, while the secondary endpoints are: improve in the quality of patient life (HRQoL), increase pharmacovigilance’s reports and avoid therapeutic errors.
What has been achieved?
The continuous dialogue between patients and hospital pharmacist througt system’s online messaging app improved the management of patients needed and reduce drug interactions. Digital management led to a 56% increase of pharmacovigilance reports. It was also detected a reduction in overall costs and patient uneasiness.
What next?
the health system has to be reorganized around patient’s needed, by promoting the use of more and more homogeneous, safe, transparent and accessible technologies.
Regulatory authorities should accelerate the adoption of digital solution. In this new framework hospital pharmacist will play a key role in the development of value based medicine and in the process of treatment humanization as a patient’s landmark person too.