European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Natalia Toledo Noda, Víctor Quesada Marqués, Laura Majuelos Aicart, Milagros Varela González, Maria Victoria Morales León
Why was it done?
Despite advances in the control of HIV infection, the number of people who become infected annually in the island (European ultra-periphery region) remains high. The implementation of a PrEP dispensing program would prevent many of these infections since it is known that there is a high number of undiagnosed infected people. In addition, the implementation would allow legally access to this therapy, being an effective, cheap and easily to use therapy.
What was done?
Development and implementation of a medication dispensing program for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in adults.
How was it done?
In 2016, the European Medicines Agency authorized the indication of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 245mg + emtricitabine 200mg as a preventive treatment. In December 2019 the Ministry of Health incorporated it into the National Health System for people who met certain minimum criteria. The hospital was formed since then with the aim of establishing a prescription and dispensing circuit.
What has been achieved?
The following circuit was established:
1. The primary care physician will screen candidates who want to apply to the program and request an initial study. If the candidate meets the criteria, he will consult the infectious diseases unit.
2. The unit value the entry into the program and carry out clinical follow-up. The request for outpatient dispensing is generated for the Pharmacy Service.
3. The Pharmacy Service informs about how to take the medication and its adverse effects. It is dispensed for a maximum period of 3 months. If any problem related to the drug or lack of adherence is detected, it will be communicated to the doctor.
4. A clinical and analytical follow-up is carried out every 3 months to assess the correct use of the medication as well as the appearance of safety problems (renal function and bone involvement). The continuity in the program is evaluated annually.
Since then, the Pharmacy Service has dispensed medication to 20 users and only one discontinued due to lack of adherence.
What next?
Achieve a reduction in the incidence of HIV, which for years has remained stable. Contribute to generate data that support the efficacy and safety of these therapies in real life. Avoid the illegal sale of these drugs.