European Statement
Production and Compounding
A. Henares-López, V. Collados-Arroyo, C. Mayo-López, R. Fernández-Caballero, L. Carrasco-Piernavieja
Why was it done?
A new magistral formulation and mixes management program was developed in the Farmatools® software to optimize the procedures and records of this area.
What was done?
The correct management of compounded formulation is important for the labor of a pharmacy service, ensuring safe preparation and adequate traceability. In our pharmacy service we only had a simple formula registration program that only allowed formulas to be added to the stock but the rest of the work (protocols, batches, preparation staff, validation) was recorded on paper.
How was it done?
Taking advantage of the implementation of the Farmatools® software in our pharmacy service that already had a simple compounding module, it was necessary to carry out a development to add improvements such as registration of raw materials, quarantine states, expiration notices, creation of manufacturing protocols for each preparation, formula programming calendars, improvement of the traceability system (new batch records and other necessary data in the case of biological material), quality controls such as mass uniformity control for capsules, validation section of the formula prepared for the pharmacist, registration of manufacturing staff, improvement of data present on the manufacturing label.
This work was possible thanks to the help of the farmatools® IT staff with whom we held regular meetings.
What has been achieved?
A correct stock of the amount of real raw materials existing in the pharmacy was achieved, complete computerization of the registry of preparations of magistral formulation, including batches, expiration dates, quarantines and necessary quality control records, creation of an electronic recipe book, approval or rejection of elaborate formulas and eliminating any paper records.
What next?
There are still new developments to be implemented, such as the creation of a calendar of scheduled work and a list that allows viewing the preparations pending validation by the pharmacist. Finally, it would be necessary to implement tablets that contain work protocols to avoid the use of paper.
With this program it has been possible to unify the work of the production area in a single program, which results in an improvement in traceability and fluidity in the work.