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Change of local anaesthesia procedure to avoid suture breakage
European Statement
Education and Research
Why was it done?
A wide range of women sustain a perineal tear after delivery with a need of perineal repair. If the suture material fails to last as expected, women might experience wound rupture, impaired healing, and inferior functional outcome.
A clinical observation of increased risk of early breakage of the suture material in women anaesthetized with Xylocaine spray for perineal tear repair, compared with women anaesthetized with Xylocaine gel led to this study. Thus, in an observation period of 9 months 79% of the women who had to go through early secondary wound repair due to suture failure, had received local anesthesia in the form of Xylocaine spray.
The Clinical Pharmacy was contacted by the Obstetric Department with the following inquiry; whether there is a pharmaceutical interaction between local anaesthetics and the suture material.
What was done?
An in-vitro experiment to compare the tensile strength of fast absorbable suture material when impregnated with various agents for local anaesthesia was performed.
How was it done?
An in-vitro experiment was performed in collaboration between midwives, pharmacists and the Danish Technological Institute. We impregnated 120 suture materials divided in four groups (Xylocaine Spray, Xylocaine gel, Isotonic Sodium Chloride and Ethanol 96%) for 72 hours at 37 degrees and then measured the tensile strength of the suture material.
What has been achieved?
In the experiment we saw that Ethanol and Xylocaine spray weakened the tensile strength of fast absorbable sutures. Use of Xylocaine spray containing ethanol for local anesthesia might lead to early breakdown of the suture material and wound rupture.
After the experiment the majority of obstetric departments in Denmark changed their procedure for local analgesia/anaesthesia during perineal repair from Xylocaine Spray to Xylocaine gel.
What next?
Observing and registering the suture breakage percentage in a period of 9 months after application of Xylocaine gel.
Publishing the results at a broader level.