European Statement
Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
Eva Heffernan, Deirdre Smith , Avril Tierney, Louise McDonnell
Why was it done?
Transitions of care such as hospital discharge present an opportunity for medication error. Lapses in communication at this interface are common. For the next healthcare provider (HCP) to issue the correct medication safely and in a timely manner, the discharge prescription needs to bridge this communication gap. Prescribing errors are the most frequent subtype of medication errors and can be repeated systematically for prolonged periods. Detection of medication error using tools such as audit, learning from these errors and planning corrective action is essential to building safer healthcare systems.
This study adapted the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) national standard for patient discharge summaries to create a benchmark for discharge prescriptions in SVPH. A QI initiative targeting prescribers was developed. This was designed as a bundle intervention and was called the Discharge Prescription Education Bundle (DPEB).
What was done?
The aim of this project was to evaluate the current level of discrepancies on discharge prescriptions for surgical and medical patients and to ascertain if a quality improvement (QI) initiative can impact on the severity of medication error at the point of discharge.
How was it done?
Uncontrolled consecutive baseline and re-audit of discharge prescriptions on a 26-bed mixed medical and surgical ward. The baseline audit assessed 70 patients’ discharge prescriptions. Deviations from the standard were termed discrepancies. Discrepancies were divided based on capacity to cause error (NCC-MERP Category A) and error occurred (NCC-MERP Category B-I). Discrepancies where an error occurred (NCC-MERP Category B-I) were reported using the in-house medication incident reporting (MIR) system and dually assessed by an independent panel and the project lead for potential to cause harm. The QI initiative was implemented and its impact assessed with a re-audit of 70 patients’ discharge prescriptions.
What has been achieved?
The overall number of discrepancies reduced from 156 in the baseline to 59 in the re-audit (p<0.05). Overall compliance with the audit standards improved from 17.1% to 54.3% (p <0.05). In the baseline audit 22.8% (n=16) of patients had a discrepancy where an error occurred; this reduced to 2.65% (n=2) in the re-audit (p<0.05). The severity of errors reduced in the re-audit.
What next?
The QI initiative used was proactive not reactive. Use of the discharge education bundle was not restricted to pharmacy opening hours.
This initiative was very low cost to implement. Following on from the successful results of this project one component of DPEB called the discharge prescription visual prompt is now preprinted on all SVPH discharge prescriptions as a reminder to prescribers.