A 3-Year transformation of a Belgian clinical trial pharmacy team
European Statement
Education and Research
Marie Coenen, Stefanie Goris, Thomas De Rijdt, Isabel Spriet
Why was it done?
These changes were necessitated by the increasing number of (complex) clinical trials conducted at UHL. This Belgian 1995-bed, tertiary care hospital constitutes an attractive setting for clinical trials and a coveted partner for sponsors, due to its specialisation in a wide range of medical fields to treat complex pathologies. Adopting the changing research field whilst ensuring the highest regulatory compliance was challenging.
What was done?
Since 3 years, the clinical trial team of the University Hospitals Leuven (UHL) pharmacy has gone through several metamorphoses. These were realised by introducing an activity based costing (ABC) model enabling financing of staff expansion, extension of the infrastructure, and extensive digitalisation.
How was it done?
In 2016, an ABC-analysis was conducted by the Belgian Association of Hospital Pharmacists to determine the cost of various pharmacy activities within a clinical trial. In 2019, the outcome of the analysis was revised to concur the fast-growing clinical research field.
To affirm the need to apply these updated prices, a retrospective evaluation was performed in 2020 documenting the number of clinical trial protocols, pharmacy staffing and applied prices over the past 4 years.
What has been achieved?
Rapid growth of pharmacy research activities was shown by an increase in the total number of active clinical trial protocols from 964 in 2017 to 1256 in 2020. Until then, quantitative expansion was not followed by qualitative growth since staffing remained steady at 13 full-time equivalents (FTE) and the applied costs were outdated and not cost-effective. To enable this transition, an up-to-date pharmacy budget table was developed based on the latest ABC-analysis and, along with an estimate of future income, approved by the hospital board in 2020. This allowed the pharmacy research staff to be reinforced to 19 FTE and the infrastructure to be extended to integrate extra storage capacity and research dedicated clean rooms. Starting from 2021, the budget table was implemented into practice using computerised support enabling automated billing.
What next?
Future directions include further digitalisation by automating accountability and compounding and focusing on qualitative growth by advancing the role of clinical trial pharmacists into a specialised member of the hospital research development team and of the clinical pharmacy team.