European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
A. Navarro-Ruiz, F.J. Rodriguez Lucena, C. Matoses-Chirivella, A.C. Murcia-López
Why was it done?
Ulcers imply a lower quality of life for patients and caregivers, and are considered a negative indicator of healthcare quality with increased costs. Global spending on wound dressings from our hospital in 2010 was 600,000 euro, for an estimated population of 300,000 habitants.In the Pharmacy Department there exists wide experience with the Unit Dose Drugs Distribution System (UDDDS) with decentralized stocks that are greatly reduced. It is for this, so it aims to make a management at our UDDDS of special wound dressings for wound care in hospitalized patients, under the same criteria for selection, adquisition, and clinical and financial management of medicines.
What was done?
To establish a rational and efficient use of medical devices for the prevention and advanced wound care, through a prescription dispensing system of wound dressings in hospitalised patients within the unit dose distribution system of the pharmacy department. Furthermore, to evaluate the effectiveness and continuity of process improvements, and extend it.
How was it done?
The Pharmacy Department, along with hospital nursing staff specialized in treatment of ulcers, developed a prescription-dispensing circuit for wound dressings (April 2012-January 2013). At internal medicine and surgery inpatients, the nursing staff of their hospital units (HU) prescribes dressings in medical orders and refers to our UDDDS where it validates, monitors and verifies the consumer. Dressings included in the project are: Class IIb for wounds to be healed by secondary intention, and Class III incorporating substances that can be considered drugs.
What has been achieved?
The prescription-dispensing dressings with UDDDS access contributes to a more efficient use and management thereof in the treatment of inpatients’ ulcers. Furthermore, the creation of a multidisciplinary group for the selection of health products included in the hospital and the development of protocols and guidelines, promotes continuous training of health personnel and improves the quality of care by standardizing the criteria.
What next?
The developed program is currently established and there is a continuous increase in other hospital clinical areas that benefit from this UDDDS for wound care.