The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
Optimised and sustainable distribution and handling of medicines to psychiatric outpatients
European Statement
Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
Louise Stilling Rasmussen, Lene Juhl Biltsted, Majken Nørskov Petersen
Why was it done?
To implement EAHP statements on Patient Safety and Quality Assurance the hospital pharmacist carried out the intervention in one of the largest psychiatric clinics in the region. The following challenges were observed: Lack of transparency for healthcare professionals. Inflexible and time consuming workflow which did not accommodate the needs in the medical treatment at the clinic. The workflow caused waste of medicine. Changes in the medical treatment, which caused medicine being surplus and ended up expiring. The distribution was expensive and not sustainable.
What was done?
By changing the handling and distribution of medication for psychiatric patients who are entitled to free medicine from the hospital, we now have an agile, streamlined, patient-safe and transparent workflow that ensures patient safety by accommodation of the seven rights, increases the flexibility and availability of medicine to the patient’s current treatment and gives a more sustainable handling of medicine. Furthermore, resulted in direct and indirect financial savings (estimated direct savings 8%, DKK 250,000).
How was it done?
A medication room was reorganised by the pharmacist according to ATC codes, shelf fronts, active ingredients and expiry date.
Establishment of a computer and scanner, linked to the national Shared Medication Record containing all patients’ prescriptions.
Medicine is ordered online from the hospital pharmacy.
What has been achieved?
New modern quality assured medication room with electronic registration of medicines dispensed to the patients. This provides transparency of the medical treatment across the healthcare sector. The medicines are stored correctly, and the integrity is maintained until immediate use and permit correct administration. Elimination of medication waste and reduced time consumption for healthcare personnel gave an estimated direct savings of approx. DKK 250,000 plus an uncalculated saving of staff time. Finally, a more sustainable management of medicines and reduced the risk of errors regarding medical distribution was achieved.
What next?
The results of this project have scaling potential. A presentation for decision-makers about implementing the solution elsewhere is ongoing. The handling and distribution has been changed from patient-labelled medication to secure digital registration of the medication dispensing from the medicine room, which now allows complete traceability of all medicines dispensed by the pharmacy.
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Ismail Bennani, Amine Cheikh, Hafid Mefetah, Mustapha Bouatia
Why was it done?
The strict control of medicines cold chain is linked to a triple risk for a hospital: a risk for the patient through the efficiency and safety of the drug, a financial risk, and a regulatory risk.
What was done?
Our study aimed to map the process of management of medicines requiring a strict cold chain control at a referral pediatric hospital and to identify the critical points associated to this process in order to realize a risk analysis using the FMEA method
How was it done?
The method used is FMEA for a priori inductive risk analysis which aims to identify potential system failures. These failures are analyzed to determine their criticality by establishing an index for each failure that will be scored and calculated using the formula: Criticality index = frequency × severity × detectability.
The rating of each criterion is based on predetermined rating tables.
What has been achieved?
Process Mapping: The mapping of the process allowed identify 7 major actors: the supplier, the general store, the logistics platform for product reception, the transportation, the logistics department of hospital, the pharmacy and the patient.
Identification of the critical points: All failures modes that were ranked between 201 and 504 on criticality index are considered as main critical points:
Problem of breakdown of electricity and its management: 504
Respect of the cold chain at the level of the care services until administration: 448
Temperature indicators at the level of care services: 384
Conditions of transportation: 315
Temperature monitoring at pharmacy level: means and management: 245
Logistics agents transport time management: 210
Implementation of improvement actions: Corrective and preventive improvement measures have been defined and implemented, such as: setting up alternatives to power outages, periodic temperature assessments at all critical levels, and integration of remote control and monitoring computer devices.
What next?
The continuous improvement of the medicines’ cold chain remains an important topic for the institutions in view of the overall risks associated with the quality of these medicines, therefore to the medical treatment of the patient.
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Why was it done?
Existing floor stocks are limited to usual psychiatric drugs. On-call resident pharmacists dispense additional treatments during pharmacy closing hours. Hence, extending the floor stocks would facilitate continuity of care. SASC centralisation enables simple and secured access to medication while saving space in care units.
What was done?
A new drug and medical device floor stock was implemented in our psychiatric hospital. The floor stock is contained in a secured automated storage cabinet (SASC) located in a protected area inside the pharmacy and accessible during its closing hours. Utilisation training was offered to nurses through multiple formats.
How was it done?
Floor stock composition has been established from frequent requests made during on-call time and can be consulted on the pharmacy website. Prescriptions and patient informations can be checked before removal on a computer in the SASC area. The SASC requires badge identification, unit and patient name entry and provides traceability of removals. Moreover, cold storage requiring drugs are housed in a refrigerator unlocked through the SASC. Regarding utilisation training, all night nurses had to attend a demonstration of the SASC performed by the resident pharmacists. This demonstration was also offered to day nurses and head nurses during weekly pharmacy open days for three months. In addition, an instruction manual and a video tutorial were produced and uploaded on the website.
What has been achieved?
60/67 (89.5%) night nurses, 80/256 (31.2%) day nurses and 10/20 (50.0%) head nurses have attended the SASC demonstration. A satisfaction survey conducted among trained nurses or head nurses had an 18.7% response rate. 26/28 (92.9%) of respondents attended the demonstration and all were satisfied by its quality. 2/28 (7.1%) only used the instruction manual. All respondents declared being able to use the SASC, however 7/28 (25.0%) would need assistance from the instruction manual or video tutorial.
What next?
Further utilisation training or assistance will be provided by the video tutorial. Removals and prescriptions will be checked by pharmacists to uncover picking errors. Impact on resident pharmacists’ workload will be assessed within six months. Finally, SASC centralised floor stock is an interesting approach for hospital pharmacies with limited staff to improve continuity of care.