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Renewal in pharmaceutical compounding sterile preparations circuit in Pharmacy Service

European Statement

Production and Compounding



Why was it done?

– Optimize the workflow:Nursing staff are independent in final product quality control.Dissapear the manual register of compounding sterile preparations.Fewer mixtures are discarded.Also in Pharmacy Service only elaborate the sterile preparations with an economic and safety impact.

– Improve the safety of drug administration in pediatric patients: there are ready-to-use commercial parenteral presentations, which can lead to errors when dosing per kilo,fe: enoxaparin…

– Optimize economic savings:all excess vials are reused

What was done?

Previously,some parenteral drugs were compounded at Pharmacy Service.The rest of the vials were discarded daily,so the pharmacist had to anticipated some elaborations not to throw,so then some were suspended.
Also, the pharmacists done the final product quality control,it could be delayed the dispensing and specially when it´s necessary to repeat the mixture.

The changes were:

– Re-selection of the parenteral drugs compounded at Pharmacy Service by:
• Economic criterio:the cost of drug has to be >20 euros/vial
• Safety for the pediatric patient:redose individually parenteral drugs “readytouse”

– Review the storage conditions:physicochemical (technical data sheet drug,Stabilis web) and microbiological stability (Good practices for preparation drugs in hospital pharmacy services publised by Spain Goverment) of all parenteral drugs previously selected.Although the physicochemical stability is higher,the final stability will be limited by the microbiological stability and the risk level microbial contamination(USP 2004).

– Standard Operating Procedures with structured and updated information

– Reuse of partially used multi dose vials:we reviewed the physicochemical and microbiological stability of open vial

– Final product quality control by nursing staff

– Save time to pharmacist:daily scheduling instead of anticipated elaboration of sterile preparations

How was it done?

– A nurse involved in the circuit change giving her feedback on the changes

– Traceability of the rests of the vials:stickers are affixed to the opened vials indicating the reconstitution data and the expiration date

– Final product quality control should be done by a diferente nurse to elaborated to detect potencial errors

What has been achieved?

The total cost savings for this year is 295.778€. After the circuit´s change, the savings have increased by 55% for liposomal amphotericin b, 51% defibrotide, 24% micafungin.

What next?

Compounding sterile preparations individualized in Pharmacy Service to patients hospitalized at home, transplanted of hematopoietic progenitors and immunocompromised


EAHP Forum

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Conversations and groups

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The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.