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Aflibercept redosification impact in a second-level hospital.


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European Statement

Production and Compounding


Javier Alfonso Buendía Moreno, Andrea Portela Sotelo, Lidia Martínez Valdivieso, Jaime Fernandez-Bravo Rodrigo, Gema Marcos Pérez, Dolores Barreda Hernandez

Why was it done?

Aflibercept is an Agent against Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (VEGF-A) whose intravitreal indications such as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Macular Edema (ME), Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO), have a high economic impact on a Pharmacy Service (PS) budget.

What was done?

A protocol for the redosification of aflibercept intravitreal therapy was implemented by the Commission of Pharmacy and Therapeutics and the Ophthalmology Service, which proposed the redosification of aflibercept vials into sterile syringes for intravitreal use.

How was it done?

Aflibercept 4 mg vials were recompounded by infirmary staff in a horizontal laminar air flow cabinet into syringes with the recommended dosage of 2 mg, hence one vial could approximately be fractionated for the production of 2,5 syringes.
The variables compiled to maintain the trazability of aflibercept through the programmes of computerized clinical history, MambrinoXXI® and electronic prescription, Farmatools®, were: sex, age, indications, number of spent vials and syringes prepared and average number of syringes dispensed per patient. In addition, it was compared the direct estimated cost of the syringes vs. vials to calculate the saving cost.

What has been achieved?

During the year 2019, 305 patients received aflibercept syringes, 172 (56’4%) were male, the average age was 76 years (41-95). Main diagnoses were 145 AMD, 71 ME, 43 diabetic ME and 33 RVO. The total numbers of vials spent were 341, the syringes dispensed were 1174 and the average number of syringes dispensed per patient was 3’85. The total price of one vial was 612’31€, so one redosificated syringe in the PS approximately costs 204’10€. Therefore the use of syringes instead of vials had a potential saving cost of 331.672€ (58’01%) if the vials would have been used. The cost reduction of the intravitreal therapy with aflibercept supposed a saving of 1’58 % of the total expenditure of the PS during 2019.

What next?

The optimization of aflibercept intravitreal therapy is a big cost-effective measure for reducing costs in a PS. It helps to reduce costs in a therapy that is increasing the number of patients each year contributing to the financial sustainability of Health Systems and improves the efficacy of the resources of PS.



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European Statement

Selection, Procurement and Distribution

Why was it done?

The consumption of medicine for the treatment of wAMD, DME and RVO is increasing. The medicines used are in the top five of the most expensive drugs in Denmark. With the prospect of more patients, greater costs and the introduction of new drugs in the field, there was a need to develop a national treatment guideline.

What was done?

An expert committee prepared a national treatment guideline including a clinical medicine comparison report for the treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration (wAMD), diabetic macular oedema (DME) and retinal vein occlusion (RVO). The aim was to create uniform treatment across the country and to trigger competition between medicines in the hope of achieving lower prices.

How was it done?

An expert committee consisting of physicians, clinical pharmacist, clinical pharmacologist and medicine procurement pharmacist was appointed. The committee prepared a national treatment guideline including a clinical medicine comparison report based on existing clinical evidence and Danish practice. The committee reached the conclusion that the anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs ranibizumab and aflibercept are ranked equally in terms of effect and side effects. The choice of anti-VEGF should be determined solely by price and dosage. A tender was prepared in alignment with the guidelines. This result led to the development of a medicine recommendation, which was passed onto hospital pharmacies, clinical pharmacists and physicians to ensure implementation in the clinic. Feedback from the clinics concerning estimated consumption was forwarded to the drug suppliers and was continuously monitored by the procurement pharmacist to ensure compliance at the clinics.

What has been achieved?

The clinicians switched patients to the new first-line choice. The market share of first-line treatment was 89% compared to 25% before the guideline. Two tenders were published based on the guideline. The first resulted in a price reduction of 28%, the second a reduction of 54%. Total actual savings in the first tender (based on a 31-month contract period) was €38m. In the second tender (based on the first 12 months of the contract period) was €35m.

What next?

New medicines are expected to be approved in the near future. We will continue to use and develop national treatment guidelines in combination with tender procedures and proper implementation of guidelines to obtain better and cheaper treatment options for patients.


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Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.