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Making a green and lean choice: evaluating the environmental and economic impacts of reprocessable and single-use medical devices in hospital settings


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European Statement

Selection, Procurement and Distribution


Samantha HUYNH, Olivia MAZZASCHI, Valérie TALON, Emilie MOREAU

Why was it done?

Healthcare systems face a growing need to balance patient care with environmental responsibility. This approach was initiated at the request of surgeons and was proposed during institutional committees addressing environmental issues.

What was done?

Our aim was to perform a comprehensive analysis of the potential benefits and challenges associated with the substitution of single-use medical devices (SUDs) with reprocessable medical devices (RMDs) within a hospital setting.

How was it done?

We evaluated environmental, economic and organizational impact of this transition by comparing the carbon footprints and costs associated with the substitution of SUDs (suture and antiseptic trays) with RMDs as well as their acceptance by healthcare professionals.
Environmental impact was evaluated by considering manufacturing origin, transportation, and material composition, calculating carbon equivalence based on weight. The energy and water consumption during the sterilization process of RMDs was also included in the carbon footprint quantification.
Economic considerations included SUDs purchasing and management costs as well as acquisition and sterilization costs for RMDs.
Observational audits (n=30) and user satisfaction surveys (n=7) were conducted to evaluate the acceptance of RMDs.

What has been achieved?

RMDs led to a significant reduction in the carbon footprint for both devices. The carbon equivalence for suture trays was reduced from 7.1 kg eqCO2 for SUDs to 4.0 kg eqCO2 for RMDs; for antiseptic trays, SUDs generated 2.2 kg eqCO2 while RMDs 1.1 kg eqCO2. The potential annual reduction of CO2 emissions is 5.2 tonnes per year.
The economic analysis showed that the initial investment in RMDs could be recovered within a remarkably short timeframe (10 months for antiseptic trays, 5 years for suture trays) making it a viable long-term cost-saving strategy.
User feedback showed a preference for RMDs despite slight inconveniences, with 71% of respondents supporting the reduction of SUDs and 83% perceiving RMDs as of superior quality.

What next?

Our findings underscore the feasibility and benefits of transitioning to RMDs, with a significant reduction in carbon footprint and economic viability. While complete elimination of SUDs presents challenges, a balanced approach prioritizing sustainability without compromising quality of care is possible. We believe that this approach can be replicated in diverse healthcare settings, contributing to a more sustainable future management.

Development of a pharmacy-led technical assessment pathway for personal protective equipment


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European Statement

Selection, Procurement and Distribution


Rachel Huey, Catherine Goudy, Michael Scott

Why was it done?

The assessment process was developed in partnership with the Business Services Organisation Procurement and Logistics Service (BSOPaLS) and regional Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) colleagues in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 and escalating demand for PPE. In March 2020, early World Health Organization (WHO) guidance formed the basis of COVID-19 PPE ensemble recommendations. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, BSOPaLS procured such items from reputable market leaders. However, during this time of unprecedented demand on supply chains, there were many new manufacturers and suppliers with no previous experience of appropriate supply to healthcare. There were also many counterfeit goods being placed on the healthcare market.

What was done?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) utilised pharmacist skills to undertake technical assessment of all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) items procured for use across Health and Social Care Northern Ireland (HSCNI).

How was it done?

MOIC reviewed and validated all technical documentation associated with each PPE product to ensure that items procured were genuine, fit for purpose and met the relevant standards and regulations. Benchtop assessments were carried out by IPC colleagues and BSOPaLS carried out all procurement due diligence checks on potential suppliers. Early data from 1 April 2020 to 15 May 2020 showed that only 98 (16.5%) PPE offers reviewed met the required standard for approval, while 264 (44.6%) were rejected and a further 230 (38.9%) remained open. Some reasons for rejection included documentation deficiencies and misleading labelling.

What has been achieved?

This process resulted in procurement of only safe and effective products, putting safety of HSCNI staff and patients at the forefront. In addition, BSOPaLS worked closely with local manufacturers with no previous PPE experience, to establish more resilient supply chains for the future. Products manufactured locally were also assessed via this process, to ensure suitability for use within healthcare.

What next?

This efficient assessment process has now been implemented into the PPE procurement pathway for all future HSCNI purchases, enabling the application of due diligence in a transparent, robust and evidence-based manner. Provided there is opportunity to develop an appropriate knowledge base of the relevant regulations and standards, this process is transferable across many healthcare organisations.


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.