European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Toulouse University Hospital, FRANCE, Toulouse
Why was it done?
To set up tools to better manage medical device (MD) supply shortages, given the significant increase in the number of shortages in recent years.
What was done?
To better manage MD supply shortages in hospitals, a score has been developed to classify devices by their criticality during supply disruptions. This score considers various factors, such as : number of hospital departments using the product, average daily consumption rate, single-use vs. reusable nature of the product or Availability of alternatives.
How was it done?
A set of criteria and their interrelations were tested to establish a criticality score that categorizes MD into three levels : ‘supercritical’, ‘critical’, and ‘non-critical’. These categories reflect the potential impact on patient care in the event of a shortage. Thresholds, such as the daily consumption rate, were particularly important in defining this score.
What has been achieved?
To validate the scoring method, 33 combinations of criteria and 1,257 threshold variations were tested on a sample of 66 products. These products had previously been rated by expert pharmacists for criticality. Sensitivity and specificity calculations were used to compare the test results with expert evaluations. After testing, three combinations achieved the desired accuracy, and one of these was selected.
The final scoring method was applied to 764 MD in stock at the hospital, identifying 44 as ‘supercritical’. The security storage thresholds were increased for these 44 MD so that they would be less affected in the event of a shortage, and are MD targeted during order delays, so that they can be relaunched as a priority.
What next?
A similar scoring system will be developed for MD managed in non-stock mode to classify the most critical items in the event of a supply shortage.
PharmaSwap: a pioneering healthcare initiative reducing medication waste and promoting sustainability
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Piter Oosterhof, Jelmer Hein Faber, Lieke van Kerkhoven, Rob Haenen
Why was it done?
PharmaSwap is a response to the significant issue of medication waste in the healthcare sector. The problem of medication waste was well-documented, with scientific research indicating that annually, a minimum of €100 million worth of prescribed medications was being discarded in the Netherlands. These medications were being wasted when they reached their expiration dates, resulting in both financial losses and environmental pollution. PharmaSwap was introduced to tackle the problem of medication waste by creating an online platform that enables pharmacists and pharmaceutical wholesalers to list and sell medications with approaching expiration dates at discounted rates. Our initiative sought to improve the situation by not only reducing the financial losses associated with medication waste but also by addressing the environmental concerns linked to the disposal of medications. By promoting the reuse of medications and encouraging a shift toward sustainability in the pharmaceutical sector, PharmaSwap aimed to make a positive impact on healthcare and the environment.
What was done?
The initiative that has been developed and implemented is PharmaSwap is an online marketplace established in 2018 by pharmacists Piter Oosterhof and Jelmer Faber. This platform facilitates the exchange and sale of medications among (hospital) pharmacies and pharmaceutical wholesalers that are nearing their expiration dates at discounted rates.
How was it done?
The introduction of PharmaSwap faced several obstacles:
1) Regulatory barriers: initially, regulations didn’t allow medication redistribution. We collaborated with regulatory bodies to find a legal solution.
2) Legal adjustments: we worked with authorities to amend regulations, creating a legal framework for PharmaSwap.
3) Building trust: gaining trust from pharmacists and wholesalers required transparent communication and showcasing benefits.
4) Technical development: developing the platform required the right tech partners and resources.
5) Awareness and adoption: we conducted awareness campaigns and partnered with (inter)national associations to promote PharmaSwap.
Through these efforts, we successfully overcame obstacles and implemented PharmaSwap, reducing medication waste and promoting sustainability.
What has been achieved?
1) Medication waste reduction: PharmaSwap has significantly reduced medication waste, preventing the disposal of medications, while pioneering a unique and innovative approach.
2) Environmental impact: PharmaSwap has saved 9,719 packaging units, leading to a substantial reduction in environmental pollution from medication disposal.
3) Cost Savings: healthcare systems have saved €1,165,115 by recovering the value of otherwise discarded medications.
4) Network growth: PharmaSwap connects 836 out of 2,000 Dutch pharmacies and collaborates with 8 pharmaceutical wholesalers, including one partner compliant with Good Distribution Practice (GDP).
These outcomes highlight PharmaSwap’s impactful contributions to waste reduction, cost savings, and sustainability in healthcare, supported by its expanding network of participants.
What next?
PharmaSwap’s success in reducing medication waste, saving costs, and promoting sustainability makes it a compelling example of good practice in healthcare. Its transferability to other healthcare settings involves replication, regulatory adaptation, education, partnerships, technology integration, data management, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Moreover, we are currently in advanced meetings with several other European countries, exploring the potential for international expansion and collaboration to further extend the positive impact of PharmaSwap.
Optimising medication procurement through integrated database
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Irene Ruiz-Jarabo Gómez, Marcos Gómez Bermejo, Rocío Vázquez Sánchez, Antonio Illescas Bermudez, Elena Martín Suarez, Teresa Molina García
Why was it done?
Digitization was considered essential in reducing costs related to inventory management and improving responsiveness in critical situations, such as supply shortages. Traditional manual inventory checks and order verifications were time-consuming and error-prone, prompting the need for a digital transformation.
What was done?
In our quest for enhanced medication procurement efficiency within our Hospital Pharmacy Service, we have developed an integrated database.
How was it done?
We have developed a database by consolidating data from two primary sources: our automated medication storage system, Smart Ulises®, and the Economic Management software, Farmatools®. This database encompassed information related to medications falling below predefined minimum stock levels, historical acquisition records, pending medication orders, and warehouse capacities for each medication. Additionally, it seamlessly integrated data obtained from the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS) regarding medication shortages.
This database enabled several essential functionalities:
It generates reports suggesting orders for medications below the minimum stock levels, recommending quantities based on historical acquisitions and available storage space.
By considering the suppliers for medications at minimum stock levels, it also identifies medications in alert status (1/3 above the minimum stock) for these suppliers.
Cross-referencing with AEMPS’ medication supply problem database swiftly detects critical medications during shortages
It permits agile identification of pending medication orders.
It identifies locations with incomplete medication inventories and propose medication grouping within our automated medication storage system.
What has been achieved?
The outcomes of our project were transformative:
We streamlined medication procurement significantly and maximized each medication supply request while promoting sustainability by reducing laboratory-specific medication orders.
We optimized storage space within our automated medication storage system, aligning medication orders precisely with storage capacities for each medication, leading to more efficient space utilization and reduced storage costs.
Early detection of medication shortages enabled proactive preparation of alternative solutions to effectively mitigate shortages.
Simplification of tracking pending medication orders enhanced operational efficiency in claim processing or supplier changes.
What next?
Our next phase focuses on continuous system improvement. This involves incorporating additional data sources to refine medication supply predictions and exploring the potential for complete automation of the medication ordering process. We will also enhance performance measurement to evaluate the effectiveness of our improvements.
Making a green and lean choice: evaluating the environmental and economic impacts of reprocessable and single-use medical devices in hospital settings
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Samantha HUYNH, Olivia MAZZASCHI, Valérie TALON, Emilie MOREAU
Why was it done?
Healthcare systems face a growing need to balance patient care with environmental responsibility. This approach was initiated at the request of surgeons and was proposed during institutional committees addressing environmental issues.
What was done?
Our aim was to perform a comprehensive analysis of the potential benefits and challenges associated with the substitution of single-use medical devices (SUDs) with reprocessable medical devices (RMDs) within a hospital setting.
How was it done?
We evaluated environmental, economic and organizational impact of this transition by comparing the carbon footprints and costs associated with the substitution of SUDs (suture and antiseptic trays) with RMDs as well as their acceptance by healthcare professionals.
Environmental impact was evaluated by considering manufacturing origin, transportation, and material composition, calculating carbon equivalence based on weight. The energy and water consumption during the sterilization process of RMDs was also included in the carbon footprint quantification.
Economic considerations included SUDs purchasing and management costs as well as acquisition and sterilization costs for RMDs.
Observational audits (n=30) and user satisfaction surveys (n=7) were conducted to evaluate the acceptance of RMDs.
What has been achieved?
RMDs led to a significant reduction in the carbon footprint for both devices. The carbon equivalence for suture trays was reduced from 7.1 kg eqCO2 for SUDs to 4.0 kg eqCO2 for RMDs; for antiseptic trays, SUDs generated 2.2 kg eqCO2 while RMDs 1.1 kg eqCO2. The potential annual reduction of CO2 emissions is 5.2 tonnes per year.
The economic analysis showed that the initial investment in RMDs could be recovered within a remarkably short timeframe (10 months for antiseptic trays, 5 years for suture trays) making it a viable long-term cost-saving strategy.
User feedback showed a preference for RMDs despite slight inconveniences, with 71% of respondents supporting the reduction of SUDs and 83% perceiving RMDs as of superior quality.
What next?
Our findings underscore the feasibility and benefits of transitioning to RMDs, with a significant reduction in carbon footprint and economic viability. While complete elimination of SUDs presents challenges, a balanced approach prioritizing sustainability without compromising quality of care is possible. We believe that this approach can be replicated in diverse healthcare settings, contributing to a more sustainable future management.
Pallet box implementation: a combination of improved working conditions, storage and waste optimisation?
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Why was it done?
We decided to experiment this new solution on coronarography-packs, which presents the biggest rotation among surgery-packs (5,392 units estimated for 2,023), in order to improve working conditions of logistic workers, decrease musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and optimise storage.
What was done?
Pallet box have been implemented as a new logistic solution for surgery-packs in our hospital pharmacy on a proposal from one of our biggest suppliers. The aim of this comparative study between 52-pack pallet boxes and the previous storage solution by 4-pack boxes was to assess the potential benefit on handling work, storage, waste and its economic impact.
How was it done?
In order to compare these two solutions, we clocked the time and evaluated the cost of transport from delivery gate to storage room and healthcare-unit order-picking step (from picking up the first pack to cardboard flattening). We also estimated the amount of waste associated.
What has been achieved?
Pallet-boxes enable a 24% room saving (52 pallet-spots yearly (2 pallet-boxes piled on one spot) instead of 68) and a 31% global time saving (22 hours yearly (13h transport + 9h order picking) instead of 32 hours (17h transport + 15h order picking)). Time saving on order picking was 40%: picking step of one pack from a pallet box requires on average 6 seconds whereas 10 seconds were needed from 4-packs-boxes. Yearly 104 pallet-boxes (603 kg of empty cardboards) will be manipulated whereas 1,348 4-pack-boxes (1,213 kg) used to be handled resulting in a 2-fold decrease. Even though pallet-boxes halve cardboard-waste, they represent 1.5 times more wooden-pallets’ waste (104 versus 68). Furthermore the price of coronarography-packs are impacted by a 2% increase representing around 4,100€ yearly which is not balanced by savings on transport or order picking (10h ≈ 150€).
What next?
Logistic workers are unanimously satisfied in implementing pallet-boxes as it facilitates their work on many aspects: pallet transport, order picking, waste disposal. Despite being costlier, a decision has been made to implement pallet-boxes in the long-term in order to improve waste management and working conditions of logistic workers. Our hospital pharmacy is already thinking about extending pallet-boxes to other references in order to assess more precisely their impact on MSD in logistic workers.
Supply difficulties in oxygen humidifiers: an opportunity to promote good practice
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Why was it done?
By May 2022, we learned about the sale discontinuation of oxygen humidifiers from one of the two manufacturers in our country, due to the constraints of MDR 2017/745. The second manufacturer restricts its products to hospitals with marketing partnerships. In our hospital, oxygen humidifiers are used regardless of the oxygenation medical device (nasal cannulas, masks, tubes or tracheotomy tube) or oxygen flow rate. We had to define indications and prescriptions to control consumption in our hospital.
What was done?
To promote good use of oxygen humidifiers and control our consumption in a context of shortage we have drawn up a scientific explanatory document, a procedure and a prescription support.
How was it done?
We suppressed services’ allocations for humidifiers, to encourage prescription via the Electronic Patient Record. We set up a working group, including pharmacists, resuscitators, pulmonologists and nurses, to write a good use sheet, underlining high-priority medical indications taking account of scientific literature and respiratory medicine learned societies’ recommendations. To assess its effectiveness, we compared humidifiers’ consumption before and after we set it up and evaluate prescriptions’ number and conformity for the first 4 months, from May to September 2022.
What has been achieved?
The group restricted indications to paediatric patients, patients with tracheotomy and patients with oxygen flow rates above 5L/min and upper respiratory tract lesions such as nose bleeding, nasal discharge congestion, or nasal mucosa’s irritation or lesions. We wrote the good use sheet, mentioning the circuit’s montage and conditions for dispensing humidifiers. Before the new procedure, the mean consumption was 1,415 units per month, versus 39 per month from June. Regarding prescriptions’ conformity, 12 (8.7%) out of 138 were denied: six patients on ambient air, four with nasal cannula, one without any severity criteria, a not nominative prescription.
What next?
This collaborative and multidisciplinary work enabled a change in practices. Supply difficulties, initially seen as challenging, are a great opportunity to promote good use, and secure patient care. Although they have now been resolved, with a new supplier, we maintain our measures to ensure patients’ security and well-being.
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Why was it done?
The main purpose of developing this tool is the need to provide centralised product parameters through a unique summary screen that permits a regular monitoring of inventory, enabling us to identify the glitches before things get out of control, resolve issues the soonest to improve the stock control system (order threshold, market), maintaining compliance and documenting usage to prevent sudden shortages, in a harmonised way in order to reduce the time spent to order.
What was done?
Development of a dynamic stock management tool plugged into a computerised model (Excel©), to integrate all data needed for a stock forecast in terms of specialties, providers, therapeutic classes, last order date, supply disruptions, market, restocking time, turnover, stock, orders, security threshold, average daily consumption, average time of supply, and delivery estimated time for all pharmaceutical products in hospital.
How was it done?
It’s important to know how much you have from each product, and each dosage of the same product, through a dynamic database that’s collecting all data (product code and average daily consumption) and highlighting the order quantity threshold. This reliable inventory is updated on a daily basis with data extracted from our economic and financial management coupled with Business Object©. Using specific formulas and filters, and referring to the decision flowchart, such data allow adjusting and optimising our stock management in real time.
What has been achieved?
First, this tool has allowed us to gather all required data and, subsequently, reduced the need to another application (such as NEWAC© and MAGH2©). Second, it has allowed us to understand the mechanism of order suggestions by displaying characteristics of some sectors (such as expensive products and chemotherapy). Moreover, it improved the management of supply disruptions by showing the solution of each disrupted product in a summary table, which results in significant time saving along the drug supply chain.
What next?
An organised supply chain, a fast response to overcome and handle sudden supply shortages, as well as a huge time saving are the main reasons to rely on this efficient system, which lead to an optimised and secure patient care. Moreover, it fits any computer software, and its application is very friendly to be used in every hospital pharmacy.