6 months after the implementation of a Good Practice Form (GPF): the example of Versatis
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Why was it done?
Versatis is a lidocaine patch used in case of post-zona neuralgia. In June 2021, after a note of concern raised by the OMEDIT (Observatoires du MEdicament, des Dispositifs médicaux et de l’Innovation Thérapeutique) regarding its overuse by staff members of the CHRO (Centre Hospitalier Régional d’Orléans).
What was done?
We analysed the change in prescriptions and consumption since the implementation of a Good Practice Form (GPF) in September 2021, concerning Versatis created in collaboration with the CLUD (Comité de LUtte contre la Douleur).
How was it done?
Analysis of nominative dispensations between 09/21 and 02/22.
Consultation of shared electronic patient records.
Medical evaluation of prescriptions by rheumatology and pain-management physicians.
Methodological strategy validated by the physician in charge of professional practices evaluation.
What has been achieved?
Before the implementation, 3839 patches would have been consumed over a 6-month period versus 1541 after, marking a 59.9% decrease.
The population under scrutiny was made up of 106 patients (male-to-female ratio = 1,3; average age = 64 years). The average number of patches delivered per patients was of 15 (min=5; max=160), with 1,1 patches per localisation, for an average length of treatment of 14,4 days. 97 GPF were archived, representing 91,5% of use.
In-label prescriptions (post zona neuralgia with localised allodynia) concerned 14 (13,2%) patients.
Regarding pertinent off-label prescriptions (neuropathic pain with localised allodynia, with a maximum of 1 patch/zone/day): 36% of patients exhibited neuropathic pain, including 9% with allodynia, with 4% 1 patch/zone/day. 9,4% benefited from rheumatological or pain management consultations.
48% of prescriptions respected the 12/24h rest-time, and 79% the limit of 1 patch/zone/day off-label.
After medical expertise, 3 prescriptions were found to be unjustified – 2 due to lack of information and 1 concerning post-gout crisis pain.
What next?
Despite the patch’s small price, the implementation was of significant impact over the hospital’s consumption (and by extension, over the hospital prescribing dispensed in the community), due to its adoption by over 90% of medical prescribers. This, despite a majority of off-label prescriptions, which were rated as pertinent over 90% of the time. The GPF will have been optimised since this evaluation took place, notably with a more precise definition of allodynia.