European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Why was it done?
In the ICU there was a lot of misunderstanding around the administration of vancomycin by intermittent dosing, particularly around the timing of pre-dose vancomycin levels and appropriate dose adjustment. It could take several days for a patient to reach the therapeutic range of vancomycin.
What was done?
A protocol for the administration of vancomycin by continuous infusion was developed for patients on ICU, replacing the previous method of giving vancomycin by intermittent dosing; this was developed in consultation with the Anaesthetics and Microbiology Departments.
How was it done?
To develop a vancomycin continuous infusion dosing schedule for patients admitted to ICU, through a review of the available literature and with reference to vancomcyin continuous infusion protocols already established on ICUs in other hospitals. A proposal for administration of vancomycin continuous infusion needs to be included on the electronic clinical information system currently in use in the ICU. An IV drug monograph for vancomcyin by continuous infusion will be included in the ‘ Intravenous Medication Infusion Guidelines’; this will provide information on compatibility with other infusions if required. To recommend vancomycin continuous infusion in patients as agreed with the Anaesthetics and Microbiology Consultants at the daily ward review, this would require the patient to have a dedicated IV line.
What has been achieved?
A finalised version of the Vancomycin Continuous Infusion protocol has been developed in consultation with Anaesthetic and Microbiology Consultants. We have included additional information for patients on CRRT (continuous renal replacement therapy) that has been used in some patients on continuous vancomycin infusion. A standardised prescription for infusion of vancomycin is available on the electronic prescribing system. Vancomycin continuous infusion is now recommended for any patients requiring vancomycin therapy on the ICU.
What next?
We would propose to audit the number of patients on Vancomycin Continuous Infusion in the ICU, including time taken to reach therapeutic range, frequency of sampling and any other cost-saving initiatives perceived.