The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
Implementation of therapeutic drug monitoring active proposal in the hospitalised patient
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Alba María Fernández Varela, María Isaura Pedreira Vázquez, Sandra Koprivnik, Ana María Montero Hernández, Isaura Rodríguez Penín
Why was it done?
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) allows an optimised pharmacological treatment and increases safety. Lately, we detected low interest in TDM which was confirmed from our annual activity report. An observational prospective study was carried out in a second- level hospital attending an area of 175 930 patients. The study included all inpatients prescribed a drug eligible for TDM from November 2020 to January 2021. The aim was to improve treatment individualisation of hospitalised patients through an active proposal for drug level determination of drugs susceptible for TDM at our institution: digoxin, vancomycin, antiepileptic drugs (carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital and valproic acid).
What was done?
The pharmacist encouraged therapeutic drug monitoring of susceptible treatments by an active proposal for drug level determination in the prescriptions programme.
How was it done?
Daily, a list of eligible patients was obtained. To this end, a filtering software was used. Taking into account patient’s demographics, clinical and analytical variables (creatinine clearance, the last TDM result, diagnosis) and active prescriptions (treatment initiation, interactions), the pharmacist makes a recommendation for plasma drug level determination.
Data sources: electronic prescription program, pharmacokinetic validation program and electronic medical record.
What has been achieved?
119 proposals of TDM were made in 107 patients: 79 digoxin, 31 vancomycin, 4 valproic acid, 3 carbamazepine and 2 phenytoin. 45,8% women.
74 drugs were discontinued before possible sample extraction and 5 monitorisations could not be performed due to patient death. Of the 40 remaining proposals, the physician requested monitoring of 35 drugs, which meant 87,5% acceptance rate.
It was observed that 17 levels were low or at a lower limit (a dose increase with subsequent verification of levels was proposed in 8 cases and accepted in all of them), 13 levels were in range, 4 were high or at an upper limit (in 3 of them the dose was decreased). One sample was extracted after the drug administration (vancomycin) therefore without value.
What next?
Pharmacists can contribute to treatment optimisation by being proactive. Many resources are not needed unless the burden of care was a limiting factor. The education and promotion of TDM would be interesting to improve the use of this service.
Early detection of prerenal acute kidney injury (AKI) inpatients through multidisciplinary action.
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Why was it done?
AKI is an underdiagnosed syndrome due to delay in detection and late referral to the nephrology unit. A real-time electronic alert system integrated into a multidisciplinary protocol could be useful for early identification and diagnosis.
Among the risk factors associated with AKI is the use of nephrotoxic drugs such as NSAIDs and COX-2, ACE inhibitors and ARA-II, Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus.
What was done?
A multidisciplinary protocol was established for the detection and early action of prerenal AKI inpatients with hospital and Primary Care monitoring.
How was it done?
An authomatic electronic tool, agreed between Biochemistry and Nefrology units, was designed for the selection of AKI patients. The pharmacist was contacted when a prerenal AKI was detected, who generated an alert in the electronic prescription system in order to recommend actions related to prescribed nephrotoxics drugs. An analysis was request to check renal function in these patients, after 48 hours in the hospital and after 1 month of discharge from the Primary Care.
There were many previous meetings and the leadership of each unit was maintained in the participation of strategies.
What has been achieved?
The aim was to improve the detection of prerenal AKI in inpatients and increase the quality of healthcare in these patients.
For this 3-month pilot phase, were selected 3 clinical unit and 9 prerenal AKI cases have been detected. The most frequent risk factors were: 9 cases due to volume deplection, 6 due to nephrotoxic drugs use and 3 due to chronic kidney damage (CKD). The measures adopted were: add fluid therapy in all cases, cancel nephrotoxic drugs and modify the diuretic drugs prescription in 6 of 7 cases. There was only 1 death.
What next?
This strategy will be extended to all hospital clinical units. Data will be obtained on incidence and morbidity and mortality in these patients, as well as on length of hospital stay.