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European Statement

Education and Research


Damuzzo V (1), Rivano M (2), Cancanelli L (3), Brunoro R (4), Gasperoni L (5), Ossato A (6), Colicchio A (7), Del Bono L (8), Di Spazio L (9), Celentano Fasano CN (10), Chiumente M (11), Mengato D (12), Messori A (13)
1) UOC Farmacia, AULSS2, P.O. di Vittorio Veneto
2) Hospital Pharmacy, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria, Cagliari
3) UOC Farmacia, AULSS2 Marca Trevigiana, P.O. di Castelfranco
4) School of Specialisation in Hospital Pharmacy, University of Milan, Milan
5) Oncological Pharmacy, IRCCS Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori (IRST) ‘Dino Amadori, Meldola;
6) School of Specialisation in Hospital Pharmacy, University of Padua, Padua
7) Hospital Pharmacy, Azienda Unica Sanitaria Locale di Bologna (AUSL), Bologna
8) Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana, Pisa
9) Hospital Pharmacy, Santa Chiara Hospital, Trento, Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari (APSS);
10) Hospital Pharmacy, Azienda Ulss 3 Serenissima, Mirano,
11) Italian Society of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics (SIFaCT), Milan
12) Hospial Pharmacy Unit – Azienda Ospedale-Università Padova
13) HTA Unit, Tuscany Region, Florence

Why was it done?

The clinical selection of available treatments and medical devices (MDs) is often hindered by the absence of direct efficacy comparisons between emerging therapies. This AI-tool aimed to address this challenge by employing advanced analytical techniques to facilitate informed decision-making in clinical settings.

What was done?

In 2016, the Italian Society for Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics (SIFaCT) launched the AVVICINARE project with the goal of training young hospital pharmacists to develop innovation in research based on non-original, already published data. We recently approached the field of indirect comparisons, applying the artificial intelligence (AI) technique ‘IPDfromKM’ to extract individual patient data (IPD) from Kaplan-Meier (KM) survival curves, enabling the indirect comparison of emerging pharmacological treatments and MDs

How was it done?

Drugs and technologies with similar therapeutic roles and efficacy assessed by time-dependent endpoints (Overall Survival, Progression-Free Survival) were identified. KM curves from relevant clinical trials were digitized, and the IPDfromKM application was used to reconstruct the IPD. Data from different studies on the same treatments were pooled to enhance sample size, and standard statistical techniques (Cox regression, inter-treatment comparison) were employed, considering long-surviving patients (restricted mean survival time [RMST]). A heterogeneity analysis ensured comparability of patient cohorts.

What has been achieved?

Drugs and technologies with similar therapeutic roles and efficacy assessed by time-dependent endpoints (Overall Survival, Progression-Free Survival) were identified. KM curves from relevant clinical trials were digitized, and the IPDfromKM application was used to reconstruct the IPD. Data from different studies on the same treatments were pooled to enhance sample size, and standard statistical techniques (Cox regression, inter-treatment comparison) were employed, considering long-surviving patients (restricted mean survival time [RMST]). A heterogeneity analysis ensured comparability of patient cohorts.

What next?

Given the increasing value of indirect comparisons in both clinical and pharmacoeconomic contexts, ongoing efforts will focus on refining the analytical techniques and expanding training programs for hospital pharmacists. Future work will also explore additional therapeutic areas to broaden the impact of evidence-based medicine and enhance the role of hospital pharmacists in clinical decision-making.


European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Susana Redondo-Capafons, Laura Soriano, Irene López-Rico, Jorge Del Estal, Rocío Cebrián, Marcela Manriquez, Maria Reventós, Sandra Fernández-Molina, Mònica Gómez-Valent

Why was it done?

Before CTSS was performed, TSS were requested to Pharmacy Department for evaluation and decision. Because of complexity of these treatments, it was decided that it was necessary to evaluate them with other professionals to make a consensual decision.
In May 2019, CTSS was born. It is a multidisciplinary committee with 10 different health professionals: head of pharmacy, head of healthcare management, head of strategy and operations management, a clinical pharmacologist, five pharmacists and a secretary. Requesting doctors and heads of involved services are invited to explain TSS in the meeting.

What was done?

Committee (C) of Treatments in Special Situations (TSS) (CTSS) have been established. Requests are received by a specific email for the committee and a standard template was performed to be completed by requesting doctor (patient clinical information and evidence supporting request) and by Pharmacy Service (regulatory status of the drug, pharmacology and cost of treatment).

How was it done?

Some limitations as lack of human resources with exclusive dedication for making reports and lack of training in evaluation of this kind of treatments are the most important obstacles. Currently, each member is self-taught and under excessive work- pressure.

What has been achieved?

From May 2019 to August 2021, 273 treatments in 59 meetings sessions (average 4.63 evaluations/meeting) were evaluated.
The 91,6% of treatments were approved. In 95,9% of requests, one drug was evaluated.
There were 18 services involved, being oncology and hematology the most active departments.
Evaluated TSS were classified in six categories: 66,7% of requests were drugs without approved indication, 19,8% drugs approved indication pending price by government, 2,5% approved indication but denied funding by government, 1,8% foreign medicines, 4% compassionate use and 5.2% others according to criteria of each autonomous communities in Spain.

What next?

CTSS allows make a consensual decision between different professionals and establishes a flow to manage TSS requests. This multidisciplinary scenario generates knowledge and evidence in the use of these kind drugs reducing uncertainty in TSS use in relation to its efficacy and safety and, in cases of high budgetary impact-drugs, to minimize inequities of access by standardizing decision-making. Applicable to all hospitals.

Implementation of a tool for annual quality assessment of drug information provided by hospital pharmacies

European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Dorothea Strobach, Ute Chiriac, Sigrun Klausner, Claudia Langebrake, Christiane Querbach, Carolin Schuhmacher

Why was it done?

Although guidelines for DI demand regular quality assurance procedures, no method of evaluation is internationally agreed on. The tool should be feasible, reproducible and reflect real-life quality of DI. It should allow to identify areas for quality improvement in general and for every participant.

What was done?

We developed a tool for annual quality assessment of drug information (DI) provided by hospital pharmacies on behalf of the German Association of Hospital Pharmacists ADKA e.V.. The tool has been successfully implemented for four years.

How was it done?

We developed a new tool for quality assessment of DI using a fictitious test enquiry and simulated real-life conditions and proved it representative for real-life quality [1]. The answers for the test enquiry are evaluated by blinded experts for content and formal requirements. For four years, 2017-2020, annual assessment of DI was offered to German language hospital pharmacies with changing topics and enquiry levels. Participants receive their own result in comparison to average of all regarding content-related and formal requirements. A proposal for an answer is published afterwards for educational purposes.

What has been achieved?

The annual DI quality assessment tool was successfully implemented as shown by increasing numbers of participating hospital pharmacies (45/71/79/118). Areas for improvement have been identified in general and can be identified by each participant as well. As an example, presentation of references has improved over the years [2]. Since 2018, a certificate of participation is offered as document for quality assurance audits thereby underlining the importance of this hospital pharmacy service.

What next?

Annual quality assessment for DI by hospital pharmacies will be further offered. Results over years will be evaluated for overall effect of the annual test tool on quality improvement regarding content-related and formal requirements. This method for annual quality assessment of DI provided by hospital pharmacies could be implemented by other countries.

1. Strobach D et al. EJHP 2020 online ahead of print. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2020-002409
2. Strobach D et al. Krankenhauspharmazie 2020;41:187-91



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European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Elise Deyaert, Hilde Collier, Pieter-Jan Cortoos, Claudine Ligneel

Why was it done?

Medication errors are often caused by insufficient knowledge among healthcare professionals. Given limited clinical pharmacists’ presence on Belgian hospital wards, a pharmacy-led MIS can efficiently provide fast, accurate and objective medication-related information.

What was done?

We implemented the first Belgian Medicines Information Service (MIS) in our university hospital. In several countries, a MIS is common in most hospitals but until our project, no such MIS was available
in Belgian hospitals.

How was it done?

Best practices were researched through literature review and site visit at Charing Cross Hospital (London, UK). Secondly, in order to customize activities, all nurses and physicians were surveyed on medicines information needs. Our MIS was set up to centrally (1 dedicated pharmacist, phone number and e-mail address) receive medication-related questions from healthcare workers with the option to request additional clinical-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g. drug review). Implementation was accompanied by mailings, posters, business cards and presentations. All enquiries were registered in the MiDatabank® (UKMi National Medicines Information) and evaluated after 4 months, together with user satisfaction.

What has been achieved?

221 respondents (113 physicians, 103 nursing) to our survey found ‘drug administration/dosing’ (79.7%), interactions (69.6%) and ‘tablet crushing’ (49.7%) major problematic topics. Physicians rated the MIS to be useful for drug review, counselling and interactions while nursing preferred support on drug administration and tablet crushing. 96.8% intended to use the MIS.
Between 09/01 and 09/05/2017, our MIS received 247 enquiries (45.5% residents, 34.0% nursing, 13.8% clinical staff). Drug administration/dose-related questions (43.3%) was the most important category, followed by drug choice/indication (10.5%) and interactions (9.7%). 80.2% were answered within 1 hour (median: 11min). 81% of users mentioned the MIS improving their knowledge, with 59% and 56% reporting positive patient outcomes and time savings. Our MIS scored high on accessibility, timeliness, comprehensiveness and quality (average 4.34, 4.29, 4.42 and 4.47 on 5-point scale). MIS activity corresponded to 0.4FTE pharmacist with an average cost of €15.4/enquiry.

What next?

Our project shows that fast and reliable medication-related information is greatly needed. For the future, this service should be organized with other hospitals as to optimally use resources, share information and increase expertise. Also providing such service to primary care and patients will have be explored.


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.