European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Fjóla Høg Nielsen, Gine Cecilie Stobberup
Why was it done?
The initiative was driven by the need to support a growing number of patients who require medication history. To ensure that pharmacy technicians could complete as many medication histories as possible, have enough time to thoroughly investigate potential issues, and maintain the desired quality of medication history, we initiated the use of ChatGPT to handle the journal note-writing aspect. This initiative was launched in January 2024 and implemented in August 2024.
What was done?
At Odense University Hospital, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians conduct daily reviews of hospitalized patients’ regular medication based on data from the Danish Medicines Agency’s system “The Shared Medication Record”, prescription deliveries, and patient statements. The patient’s usual medications are reviewed to determine what they are taking at home and to identify potential issues, such as compliance problems. A note is written in the medical journal for the attending physician, providing an overview of the patient’s regular medications and any concerns. To improve efficiency and consistency in this process, we implemented the use of ChatGPT to write these notes after the pharmacy technician has completed the medication history, ensuring standardized documentation, increased safety, and for saving time.
How was it done?
ChatGPT was programmed to document the medication history following the standard note format previously used. One of the key challenges was ensuring that ChatGPT could meet the specific documentation needs and minimizing errors in the generated notes. After the initial programming, pharmacy technicians were asked to use ChatGPT and keep track of how many medication histories were written with its assistance, as well as to identify any recurring errors. Based on their feedback, ChatGPT was adjusted to reduce the occurrence of similar errors in future notes.
What has been achieved?
Pharmacy technicians have reported that the time required to complete a medication history has decreased, particularly for patients with long medication lists. The system also ensures that the notes are always written in a consistent manner, reducing the likelihood of missing important information.
What next?
Moving forward, we will continue refining the system to further eliminate errors and improve accuracy. This initiative showcases the successful integration of advanced technology into healthcare, with potential applications across other healthcare settings.
Too good to go – sharing medication near expiry with a digital solution
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Charlotte Sørensen, Karin Aagot Møller Jørgensen, Anne Grethe Nørgaard Kyndi, Charlotte Lund Madsen, Line Scriver Poulsen, Charlotte Hjorth, Gitte Slyngborg Morbjerg, Janni Østergaard Jensen, Mette Juul-Gregersen, Rune Dalsenni Rask
Why was it done?
A sustainability project in 2020 highlighted manual and time-consuming workflows when checking expiry dates in hospital medicine rooms. For example, manual reading, interpretation and notation of expiry dates in paper forms every half year. Therefore, a smartphone application was developed and implemented in a large university hospital in 2022. The application was a huge success and colleagues from other Clinical Pharmacy departments in other hospitals within the same region wanted to be part of the success of the initiative.
What was done?
A smartphone application for managing expiry dates in medicine rooms was applied in one hospital in 2022 and in four other hospitals in 2023. The data-matrix of medicine packages is scanned with a smartphone camera and the application gives a sorted overview of medication near expiry. In the application you can register a medicine package as either used, discarded or released. By releasing medicine packages, the medicine is made available to colleagues in other medicine rooms.
How was it done?
The smartphone application was implemented in Clinical Pharmacy departments in four other hospitals, one by one from February 2023. After implementation the application is used in 373 medicine rooms.
What has been achieved?
Clinical Pharmacy staff are happy with the application. It takes significantly less time to check and scan expiry dates with the digital solution.
From February to September 2023 (five hospitals)
• 47491 packages were scanned
• 5251 packages were released (11%)
• 2664 packages were moved between medicine rooms to avoid medicine wastage (51%; 147000 €). Most activity (78%) was seen at the hospital that had been using the application since 2022. Most packages were moved between medicine rooms at the same hospital; however, in 215 cases (8%), medicines were exchanged between hospitals as well (20.000 €)
• 10918 packages were discarded due to expiry (743168 €; 0.5% of bought medicine).
What next?
The full potential of the digital solution remains to be achieved.
Pharmaconomists have to release medicine in the application a few months earlier than they do now. To go shopping in the application before ordering from the pharmacy, will probably also result in discarding less medicine. Sharing medication across hospitals to a greater extent will also be relevant to consider.
Towards e-documentation of clinical pharmacist interventions
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Andrea Bor, Nóra Gyimesi, Eszter Erika Nagy
Why was it done?
Intervention-oriented classification systems are helpful tools to document the CPIs in a structured manner. Our aim was to develop a clinical pharmacy platform in the e-documentation system at our institution. This CPI data enables healthcare providers to track medication history, and to systematically analyse the effectiveness and the pharmacoeconomic benefits.
What was done?
A pilot survey was conducted on the traumatology wards to analyse and describe our clinical pharmacist interventions (CPI) based on severity and clinical relevance.
How was it done?
Three clinical pharmacists collected data on the changes of drug therapy at two 31-bed traumatology wards during pre- and postoperative period. We adopted the CPI classification system to our daily practices. This is challenging since the narrow time frame between patient admission and discharge often limits the opportunity to provide clinical pharmacy services. Raw data was previously screened and classified into 5 categories, drug related problems (DRP), clinical pharmacist intervention (CPI), significance (S), outcome (O) and acceptance (A).
What has been achieved?
We have established a data collection process, which allows us to record CPIs in our daily clinical environment in an efficient manner.
The most significant DRPs were incorrect dosage regimen (n=47), untreated indication (n=28), contraindication (n=25), excessive dose (n=19), subtherapeutic dose (n=17), drug interaction (n=15), no indication (n=11), experiencing adverse drug reaction (n=8), failure of drug administration due to shortages (n=5).
CPIs were divided into four groups:
1. Pharmacokinetic cause (dose adjustment, changes of drug dosage regimen, drug discontinuation, drug switch, etc.)
2. Pharmacodynamic cause (adding new drug, drug switch, – discontinuation, etc.),
3. Providing drug information (patient education, new drug, changes of administration route, etc.) and
4. Miscellaneous.
Significance were categorised as major (e.g. oral anticoagulant – LMWH switch, postoperative opioid use), moderate (e.g. loop diuretics – ion supplementation), minor.
Outcomes were therapeutic success, prevention of potential harm (e.g. adverse drug reaction) or cost saving.
73% of the interventions were accepted, the rest were rejected for the first time, but nearly half of them were admitted after minor modifications.
What next?
This CPI platform should be shared in the national digital health system.
Smartphone application for managing expiry dates in medicine rooms and reduction of medicine wastage
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Charlotte Arp Sørensen, Karin Aagot Møller Jørgensen, Anne Lund Sørensen, Rune Dalsenni Rask
Why was it done?
Clinical Pharmacy pharmaconomists perform a wide range of tasks at the hospital for example, medicine service with medication ordering, placement and checking of expiry dates. A sustainability project in 2020 highlighted manual and time consuming workflows, for example, manual reading, interpretation and notation of expiry dates in paper forms, when medicine rooms are reviewed for medicine that expires within the next half year. The dream of an easily accessible digital solution arose to make workflows more flexible, modern and sustainable.
What was done?
A smartphone application for managing expiry dates in medicine rooms and reduction of medicine wastage was applied.
With the application, the smartphone camera can be used to scan the data-matrix of medicine packages and get a sorted overview of medicine and its expiry dates. In the application you can register a medicine package as either used, discarded or released. By releasing medicine packages, the medicine is made available to colleagues in other medicine rooms at the hospital.
How was it done?
A smartphone application was developed in close and synergistic collaboration between software engineers, pharmaconomists and pharmacists. The smartphone application was initially tested in small scale, and then adjusted and implemented among pharmaconomists and pharmacists to be used in up to 129 medicine rooms at the hospital from January 2022.
What has been achieved?
The application creates value for the Hospital Pharmacy, the Hospital and the society because:
– It takes significantly less time to check and scan expiry dates
– We avoid misinterpretation of expiry dates; and
– By releasing medicines to be used in other medicine rooms, the application makes it easier for us to work sustainably. In nine months, 1700 packages with a total cost of
€121.000 has been moved between medicine rooms in an attempt to avoid medicine wastage.
At the hospital we have a mutual medicine budget. Therefore, it makes good sense to move medicine between medicine rooms to get the most health for the money.
What next?
Implementation of the smartphone application among pharmaconomists in other hospitals within the same region is considered. Also other hospital pharmacies in the country have shown their interest. In addition, a similar application for utensils is under development.
Introduction of a new informatics tool to obtain important antimicrobial stewardship data
European Statement
Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
Sonja Guntschnig
Why was it done?
The aim of this good practice initiative (GPI) was to identify local resistance patterns, improve prescribing quality, reduce hospital costs, calculate antibiotic use data, track problem organisms, infection clusters and enable transfer chains tracing.
What was done?
With the introduction of a new antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) group into Tauernklinikum, Zell am See, a new informatics tool called HyBase® by epiNet AG was implemented to establish an interface linking microbiological results, consumption of antimicrobials, the hospital infections surveillance system “Krankenhaus-Infektions-Surveillance-System”(KISS) and the hospitals antimicrobial resistance data. AMS teams need suitable AMS surveillance systems to track intervention changes and measure results.
How was it done?
After purchasing release by the hospital management, HyBase needed an interface with several IT system providers, namely the internal microbiology laboratory (KISS software), System Application and Product in processing (SAP), and two external microbiology laboratories.
What has been achieved?
Antibiotic consumption figures were obtained retrospectively by calculating defined daily doses (DDD). This also gave insight into problematic use of certain antibiotics and indicated potential for antibiotic restriction.
Antimicrobial resistance patterns were displayed, which led to the introduction of infection control and AMS measures. Alert organism surveillance data was obtained and evaluated for different wards.
What next?
Learning from this implementation will enable changes in antimicrobial prescribing which will lead to improvements, both in healthcare quality and patient safety as well as a potential reduction in prescribing costs. Alert organism clusters will be detectable as will be transfer chains in the healthcare setting. It will also allow for the introduction of infection control agent stewardship for example by testing hand disinfection compliance or recording the spread of surface adherent organisms.
This GPI addresses the WHO antimicrobial resistance global action plan and local antimicrobial medicines concerns. It may prove useful for other healthcare settings and can be easily implemented to obtain data necessary for robust effective antimicrobial stewardship.
Implementation of an artificial intelligence tool for the detection of drug safety problems
European Statement
Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
Noe Garin, Laia Lopez-Vinardell, Pau Riera, Adrian Plaza, Ivan Castellvi-Barranco, Jose Mateo-Arranz, M. Antonia Mangues
Why was it done?
APS is a rare disease with a high risk of thromboembolism. Recently, some data suggested an increased risk of thrombotic events with direct-acting anticoagulants (DOAC) compared with vitamin K antagonists in APS. Some agencies advise against the use of DOACs in these patients.
This methodology can be extrapolated to other risk situations, so this was a first step with AI to further detection of safety issues.
What was done?
We implemented an Artificial intelligence (AI) tool based on natural language processing (SAVANA®) to identify patients at risk of thromboembolism, defined as Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) diagnosis treated with direct-acting anticoagulants (DOAC). SAVANA® is an AI tool able to extract information contained in free-text from electronic clinical records.
A prior operation work was conducted, involving: direction, pharmacy, documentation, IT, SAVANA®, data protection. The work and previous meetings evaluated: feasibility, previous requirements, privacy issues, IT involvement and contract signings.
How was it done?
The implementation consisted of:
– Transference of medical record information to the SAVANA® cloud.
– Identification of the health problem (APS) and initial search.
– Search algorithm optimization in a multidisciplinary team.
– Evaluation of the search by SAVANA® by peer review in a sample of randomly selected cases (n=200).
– Precision and sensitivity analysis. Algorithm improvement.
– Obtaining the Gold Standard and validation.
– Definitive search for the detection of patients with APS in treatment with DOACs and performance of interventions.
What has been achieved?
The project implementation is at a very advanced stage. The algorithm has currently been evaluated and is being refined after precision and sensitivity analysis. Final validation and definitive identification of patients at risk is expected at the end of 2021. Patients detected during the implementation method have been evaluated with the haematology team.
What next?
This methodology can be implemented in any centre with computerized medical records. The use of AI is the only tool available for the identification of certain groups of patients when health problems are not coded. In other cases, its use regarding the extraction of lists allows a great capacity for analysis, absence of biases derived from human error, guarantee of reproducibility and complementary data obtention, mainly in samples of high size.
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Stine Ulsø, Hilde Omestad, Susanne Weng Rømer, Sisse Emilie Mejsner, Mads Nielsen, Jesper Heltoft-Christensen
Why was it done?
The existing solution, established in 2001, was running on an insecure platform, the system was expensive to maintain and changes difficult and slow to implement. The need for an update led to a change of supplier, hosting and platform.
What was done?
A new database was developed for documentation and quality assurance of drug related queries received by hospital pharmacies in Denmark. The information in the database is shared across all hospital pharmacies in Denmark and is an important tool for the Medicines Information Centers located there. Existing queries were transferred from the old to the new database.
How was it done?
A working group was established consisting of three pharmacists and superusers from three different hospital pharmacies, one project manager employed by the sponsor (Amgros) and two developers employed by the new supplier (Progressive). The project was structured using monthly physical meetings and ad hoc video conference meetings. The work tasks in the development process were divided and carried out in two-week sprints by the developers and subsequently tested and validated by the pharmacists. All participants agreed to a periodic heavy workload and showed great flexibility. The close and frequent collaboration between all members affected the teamwork in a positive way, hence the group was motivated and managed to agree on common solutions and compromises despite different database usage and different locations.
What has been achieved?
A new, stable and more intuitive database was developed in only 5 months due to the structured and flexible way of working and a close motivated teamwork. The database was taken into use from one day to another and quickly adapted. Since the development several hospital pharmacies have increased their use of the database. The amount of information shared nationally has improved.
What next?
The initiative resulted in a useful tool implemented within a short time. The way of working intensively and focused with physical meetings and video conferences made a good basis to succeed. Especially the sprint cycles can be used in different healthcare settings involving different projects.