Designing drug packages to support correct barcode scanning and closed loop medication
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Helge Ovesen
Why was it done?
In November 2022 St Olav’s hospital, a large university hospital, introduced electronic prescribing and closed loop medication for more than 700 beds. Oral medications are predominantly available as unit doses, other medications as barcoded packages. After go-live with the bedside scanning, data showed that a large part of the administrations and preparations did not happen with barcode scanning. The hospital needed to understand the reason for this in more detail.
What was done?
A team of pharmacists, nurses and IT personnel have analysed technical reasons why medications are not scanned at the patient’s bedside during administration or when doing preparation in the wards’ medicine room.
How was it done?
The group collected data on all scans that had failed and analyzed the input to the barcode scanner. In addition, the nursing staff lead was consulted to provide more information of the problems with the physical packages for the medication and how that affected the work process of achieving closed loop medication. Products that did not have a printed barcode at all were not included in the analysis.
What has been achieved?
Six different areas were identified when trying to describe the problems with closed loop medication and scanning of medicine:
1. Barcode printed on package but missing product code/GTIN in the system/national drug registry.
2. Barcode printed on package but with wrong implementation of ISO/GS1 encoding.
3. Barcode printed on package but hidden for the user on the package label.
4. Barcode only printed on the outer package that was removed when stored in the medicine room.
5. QR codes with links to training materials or other barcodes confused the nurse and the wrong code was scanned.
6. Barcode printed on package but contrast for the barcode scanning was not good enough (ex. dark vials with black barcodes).
The problems have been shared with drug manufacturers and competent authorities to raise awareness of how drug package design and correct/incorrect use of barcode printing affect implementation of closed loop medication.
What next?
Work together with national drug registries in Norway and drug manufacturers to create a national best practice for barcode printing on drug packages. The work should be coordinated with work on a European level.
Aflibercept redosification impact in a second-level hospital.
European Statement
Production and Compounding
Javier Alfonso Buendía Moreno, Andrea Portela Sotelo, Lidia Martínez Valdivieso, Jaime Fernandez-Bravo Rodrigo, Gema Marcos Pérez, Dolores Barreda Hernandez
Why was it done?
Aflibercept is an Agent against Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (VEGF-A) whose intravitreal indications such as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Macular Edema (ME), Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO), have a high economic impact on a Pharmacy Service (PS) budget.
What was done?
A protocol for the redosification of aflibercept intravitreal therapy was implemented by the Commission of Pharmacy and Therapeutics and the Ophthalmology Service, which proposed the redosification of aflibercept vials into sterile syringes for intravitreal use.
How was it done?
Aflibercept 4 mg vials were recompounded by infirmary staff in a horizontal laminar air flow cabinet into syringes with the recommended dosage of 2 mg, hence one vial could approximately be fractionated for the production of 2,5 syringes.
The variables compiled to maintain the trazability of aflibercept through the programmes of computerized clinical history, MambrinoXXI® and electronic prescription, Farmatools®, were: sex, age, indications, number of spent vials and syringes prepared and average number of syringes dispensed per patient. In addition, it was compared the direct estimated cost of the syringes vs. vials to calculate the saving cost.
What has been achieved?
During the year 2019, 305 patients received aflibercept syringes, 172 (56’4%) were male, the average age was 76 years (41-95). Main diagnoses were 145 AMD, 71 ME, 43 diabetic ME and 33 RVO. The total numbers of vials spent were 341, the syringes dispensed were 1174 and the average number of syringes dispensed per patient was 3’85. The total price of one vial was 612’31€, so one redosificated syringe in the PS approximately costs 204’10€. Therefore the use of syringes instead of vials had a potential saving cost of 331.672€ (58’01%) if the vials would have been used. The cost reduction of the intravitreal therapy with aflibercept supposed a saving of 1’58 % of the total expenditure of the PS during 2019.
What next?
The optimization of aflibercept intravitreal therapy is a big cost-effective measure for reducing costs in a PS. It helps to reduce costs in a therapy that is increasing the number of patients each year contributing to the financial sustainability of Health Systems and improves the efficacy of the resources of PS.
European Statement
Selection, Procurement and Distribution
Lierni Goitia Barrenetxea, Natalia Toledo Noda, Moisés Pérez León, Victoria Morales León
Why was it done?
Lopinavir/ritonavir is a HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteases inhibitor indicated for HIV. It was used in patients with a positive SARS-CoV-2 test after being recommended by the Chinese health authorities. The hospital protocol guideline was: 400/100mg every 12 hours orally. It was presented in both tablets and oral solution, which was reserved for patients intubated in the ICU and those who were not able to take tablets.
What was done?
Optimizing the use of lopinavir/ritonavir solution during the state of sanitary emergency.
How was it done?
Descriptive study of resources optimization for lopinavir/ritonavir and actions carried out to ensure the availability of the antiviral in intubated SARS-CoV-2 positive patients. Preparation and stability data were obtained from official sources (Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products) and from the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy.
What has been achieved?
The Pharmacy Service designed a protocol to repackage lopinavir/ritonavir 80/20mg/mL solution in syringes containing the exact amount for a single dose (400/100mg in 5ml), for single use. The solution is formulated on an alcoholic basis and there is an interaction with the polyurethane nasogastric tube because the polyurethane absorbs alcohol causing the catheter to swell and deteriorate, which is why, other services were notified to use polyvinyl chloride catheters or silicone. Likewise, the syringes used to repackage the solution were exclusive for oral administration used in pediatrics, with the aim of reducing medication administration errors, since it is not possible to connect parenteral injection needles with them. These measures were intended to make the dispensing system as efficient as possible, as once the drug entered a unit with patients with a positive test, it was contaminated, therefore it could not be reused. Additionally, the fact that the hospital is located on an island made it even more difficult to acquire the medicine, given the supply problems nationwide, the great restriction of air and maritime traffic and loan limitations from other hospitals.
What next?
The measures adopted managed to ensure the availability of lopinavir/ritonavir solution in all admitted patients, optimizing the scarce availability of a solution medication whose presentation is formulated in multidose containers. By adding the use of syringes for exclusive oral use, administration errors were prevented.
European Statement
Production and Compounding
Why was it done?
Intravitreal bevacizumab is refunded by National Health System for AMD and diabetic macular oedema but the splitting process must be carried out only by authorised pharmacies. Recently the established regional refund price was lowered to €55/dose that covers the costs of intravitreal bevacizumab but not the other authorised drugs ranibizumab and aflibercept. Our Centralized Pharmacy operated the repackaging of intravitreal bevacizumab for internal patients but we implemented a new process and a new procedure in order to provide doses to hospitals not equipped in performing sterile preparations.
What was done?
We implemented a production process to repackage a drug to be used in treatments not covered by marketing authorisation. Bevacizumab was split into fractional doses for off-label intravitreal injections; the doses obtained were given to our hospitalised patients as therapy for uveal melanoma and provided to hospitals in our region as therapy for patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic macular oedema.
How was it done?
The procedure for preparing intravitreal injections was reviewed to optimise traceability aspects of processing batches, individual doses of finished products and particularly to choose the most suitable packaging for transport to hospitals that will administer the drug. Further quality control to regional law was established on processes and finished product: environmental, instrumental, maintenance controls. All processes were validated in accordance with applicable regulations. Agreements related to prescription, purchase, conservation and transport of bevacizumab doses were signed with the hospitals that administer the drug.
What has been achieved?
The price refunded for a single intravitreal dose of an anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) drug from August 1 2019 is €55, previously the price for each single dose of ranibizumab was €600. Considering that AMD therapy requires a monthly injection for about a year we can assume a standard average cost saving of €6540/patient.
What next?
AMD is the leading cause of blindness among populations over 50 years old. To provide treatments to all those affected by degenerative eye diseases in the next years, we must operate cost savings policies safeguarding patient security. The practice described is worthy of implementation in hospital realities.