The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
«At the pharmacy, it is not just the cross that is green » Design and distribution of an awareness video on sustainable development related to the hospital pharmacy sector
European Statement
Education and Research
Pascaline Hubot, Anais Lumen , Marion Lefebvre, Audrey Christiaens , Claudia Tavernier , Olivia Dalleur
Why was it done?
With the healthcare sector’s climate footprint accounting for 4.4% (2019) of global greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable development in healthcare is one of today’s challenges. It is important and urgent to highlight the simple actions that can be implemented to reduce these emissions and to promote them. The objectives were: (1) To identify eco-friendly practices related to the pharmacist’s work. (2) To design an animated video and (3) To raise awareness among pharmacy staff about sustainable development.
What was done?
Students in their final year of a complementary master’s degree in hospital pharmacy at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) decided to take on the challenge of producing an animated video on eco-actions specific to the profession of hospital pharmacist.
How was it done?
Firstly, a literature review (PubMed, Google Scholar) on sustainable development in healthcare followed by a focus group was carried out to identify and select ten eco-actions most relevant to the hospital pharmacist’s job. We provide at least one example for each sector of the pharmacy. Secondly, a brainstorming session was held to select the most appropriate communication tool.
What has been achieved?
An 8-minute animated video was produced using Powtoon software (January 2023 version). This video is available free of charge on Youtube ( A poster was created for display in all hospital pharmacies in French-speaking Belgium to inform as many staff members as possible about best practices in sustainable development. A QR code was added to the poster to enable a direct access to the video. The project was presented by webinar for French-speaking Belgian hospital pharmacists in April 2023. This video is now included in the programme of a complementary Master’s degree in hospital pharmacy at the Université Catholique de Louvain.
What next?
In the face of climate challenges, raising awareness of sustainable development issues remains the watchword This educational video is a first step in initiating actions to make pharmacy more sustainable. It will be presented at the next annual meeting of French-speaking Belgian hospital pharmacists in 2024 and we hope that pharmacists will implement these concrete eco-friendly practices within their institutions.
“Clinical research helpdesk”: an active support for investigators in a large university hospital
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Roberto Brunoro, Mariassunta Miscio, Girolama Iadicicco, Lorenzo Codato, Domenica Condello, Elisa Danieli, Viola Donadello, Alice Osto, Federica Pace, Giulia Valente, Francesca Venturini
Why was it done?
In our Italian University Hospital, we established the “Clinical Research Helpdesk” managed by the Clinical Research Unit. According to a daily schedule all personnel with an active role in clinical research can reserve an appointment with a pharmacist and administrative staff to ask questions for the submission of the necessary documentation for the Ethics Committee (EC) and for the evaluation of the study feasibility.
What was done?
In our Italian University Hospital, we established the “Clinical Research Helpdesk” managed by the Clinical Research Unit. According to a daily schedule all personnel with an active role in clinical research can reserve an appointment with a pharmacist and administrative staff to ask question for the submission of the necessary documentation for the Ethics Committee (EC) and for the evaluation of the study feasibility
How was it done?
The schedule is a Google Calendar tool which permits to generate slots of appointments. Researchers can access it by a link spread during a presentation event of the initiative. At each appointment the presence of a pharmacist for scientific counselling and a member of the EC scientific secretariat is guaranteed.
What has been achieved?
Since March 2022 the helpdesk accounts for 120 appointments with an average of 17 appointments/month. Typical questions are related to documental forms clinical trials rules and regulation counselling; in the last period support was requested also for practical issues, e.g., CE marking for investigational medical devices, feasibility evaluation, contract agreement and informed consent. After the helpdesk activation, the processing time for all the evaluation steps from the document presentation until EC submission, decreased by 50% compared to the previous year. The service increased study submission: the requests for evaluation of interventional studies received by the helpdesk increased by 15%, whilst for observational studies the percentage increase was 10%.
What next?
We are planning to expand this service to reach a complete management of clinical trials introducing a “RedCap team”, consisting of clinical pharmacists and biostatisticians who will help researchers in study design, Clinical Research Forms (CRFs) creation, statistical evaluation and data interpretation. A legal team for legal issues and contract agreement counselling will also be offered. The aim is to increase the visibility of our hospital, making it more attractive for clinical research.
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Why was it done?
In our hospital is located the main CF Unit for Adults in the country. Ensuring that as many as possible young patients benefit from accessing the new and crucial treatment, even during COVID-19 period, reflects our commitment to improve patients’ outcomes and overall survival,
What was done?
A Phase 3, open-label clinical trial (CT) with 3 enrolled patients runs since April 2019 and two early access (EA) programs with 23 enrolled patients run since the end of July 2020 to permit the access of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with the F508del mutation in the innovative combination therapy of ivacaftor, tezacaftor and elexacaftor (IVA/TEZA/ELEXA) in our hospital.
How was it done?
3 outpatients enrolled in the CT and procedures regarding the protocol have been followed strictly. Medication dispensing is conducted every 12 weeks.
In the EA procedure, 2 parallel programs have been approved by authorities, one for the homozygous including 19 patients and one for the heterozygous including 4 patients. Dispensing is programmed every 4 weeks, although an initial stock for 3 months was shipped to pharmacy.
The role of HPs was decisive for the quick start of the EA programs during COVID-19 period. Roadmap was designed at the beginning by HPs in collaboration with the physicians to accelerate approval and shipment procedures and also regarding licensing for each patient, drug receipt, storage, dispensing, accountability, electronic registry in designated EA platform and additional electronic recording and follow up in the electronic Pharmacy platform for both the IVA/TEZA/ELEXA and supporting therapies (e.g. inhaled antibiotics, a-dornase)
For 17 EA patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in exacerbation, hospitalization before starting the IVA/TEZA/ELEXA therapy was necessary. HPs monitored closely their cartexes to avoid adverse reactions and delays in therapy.
HPs served all outpatients on personal afternoon appointments, to avoid overcrowding in the hospital during the pandemic.
What has been achieved?
Critically ill patients have been able to receive in priority the IVA/TEZA/ELEXA treatment, without cost, and valuable scientific experience has been gained.
What next?
EA programs have received 3 months extension until reimbursement negotiations are completed by authorities. In the meantime, we design a cost affordable procedure to ensure continuity of access for our patients.