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The pharmaceutical approach to the processing of donor human milk in a human milk bank


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European Statement

Production and Compounding


Susana Fraga, Cláudia Cunha, Susana Pissarra , Carla Sampaio, Diana Silva, Pedro Soares, Teresa Soares, Renata Barbosa

Why was it done?

Human milk banks (HMBs) must use rigorous quality assurance practices to protect infants and milk processing, and post-pasteurization procedures are important in maintaining high-quality breast milk and safeguarding its quality.
The compounding pharmacist has all the knowledge and experience needed to implement processing circuits based on good handling practices and sterile technique, combined with quality assurance procedures to ensure their safety.

What was done?

Pharmacy implementation of the Donor Human Milk (DHM) processing circuit (by pasteurization) and conditions.

How was it done?

Bibliographical research and critical analysis of the functioning of HMB worldwide, with multidisciplinary meetings to define the best and most secure quality practices.
Equipment choice, in accordance with recommendations and assessment of their technical requirements.
Adaptation of the informatic medical integrated system to the DHM prescription, processing, quality control and dispensing circuit.
Design of the DHM circuit based on good practices for the safe use of products of human origin and on a robust quality assurance plan.

What has been achieved?

A DHM circuit was put into practice, with pharmacist intervention in DHM processing, quality control, and batch release.
Procedures for aseptic handling, quality control with check points and risk analysis, packaging, and labelling of DHM were outlined.
Work instructions were also established for handling equipment (pasteuriser, bottle sealer, laminar flow chamber) as well as procedures for cleaning facilities and material/equipment, with training sessions for the professionals involved.
The multidisciplinary circuit was adapted to the organisational management of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), HMB, and Pharmaceutical Services, certified on 18 April 2023 according to ISO 9001:2015 recommendations.
Guidelines for the correct use of equipment in accordance with its recommendations and technical requirements were established.

What next?

Opening more HMB worldwide is an inevitability. Prevailing know how at the level of hospital pharmacies represent several advantages to these projects, based on experience and expertise in manipulating biological products and maintaining a controlled circuit based on safety and quality standards.

The development of hospital manufactured ready-to-use cefazolin 100 mg/mL injections


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European Statement

Production and Compounding


Bojan Žagar, Matej Vehovc, Mateja Tršan, Blaž Vehar

Why was it done?

Cefazolin injection 100 mg/mL is a sterile pharmaceutical formulation comprising cefazolin sodium and water for injections. Traditionally, cefazolin injections were prepared on hospital wards by reconstituting cefazolin sodium powder for injections with water for injections and subsequent dilution before intravenous administration.

What was done?

Establish a semi-automatic aseptic preparation process, ensure the production of final products that meet quality standards, develop analytical methodologies for in-process and final product quality control, ensure the reliability and validity of test results, and conduct a stability study to confirm long-term storage.

How was it done?

Product materials include: Pharmacy Bulk Package of Cefazolin for Injection, USP, water for injections, Luer Lock 20 mL sterile polypropylene syringes, steribags. Product is prepared with aseptic technique within a laminar flow unit situated in a pharmaceutical cleanroom. Bulk package is connected to a dispensing device, followed by reconstitution with water for injections. In-process samples are collected and volume-adjusted based on density. Following the preparation and dispensing, syringes undergo labeling and packaging into steribags. They are then promptly stored at -30°C within 4 hours. Final product samples are obtained and analysed (pH value, cefazolin content, endotoxins, sterility) prior to product release.

What has been achieved?

Preparation of cefazolin sodium injections in a controlled, aseptic environment utilizing pre-prepared bags containing the appropriate cefazolin concentration (100 mg/mL) has successfully addressed critical concerns surrounding the safety, efficacy, and quality of these pharmaceuticals when administered on hospital wards. Challenges related to stability and shelf life are being addressed with the storage approach at -30°C within the pharmacy, followed by a carefully monitored transition to ward storage at 5°C for up to 28 days, and subsequent patient administration at room temperature within 2 days.

What next?

This approach not only streamlines the process but also safeguards the well-being of patients, marking a significant advancement in pharmaceutical preparation within our healthcare setting. We are conducting an ICH-compliant stability study with the objective of establishing a combined shelf life of 90 days at -30°C, followed by 28 days at 5°C, and an additional 2 days at room temperature.

The role of hospital pharmacists in gene therapy preparation


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European Statement

Production and Compounding


Lucija Tominović Gjivić, Gabrijela Kos, Anita Šimić

Why was it done?

In order to ensure correct use of voretigene neparvovec and minimise the risks associated with its administration, the product can be distributed only through treatment centres where qualified staff (vitreoretinal surgeons and pharmacists) have participated in the mandatory risk management plan (RMP) education program required by EMA.
Since voretigene neparvovec has to be transported and stored frozen at ≤-65 ºC, has short shelf life after dilution (4 hours), contains genetically modified organisms and must be handled according to local biosafety guidelines, there was a need for establishing standard operating procedures (SOPs) for each step of the treatment process.

What was done?

The University Eye Clinic, University Hospital Sveti Duh in Zagreb, Croatia, was designated as the world’s 6th gene therapy centre in 2020.
Hospital pharmacists, as part of a multidisciplinary team, play an important role in preparation and administration of the gene therapy product voretigene neparvovec which is indicated for the treatment of patients with vision loss due to inherited retinal dystrophy caused by biallelic RPE65 (retinal pigment epithelium-specific 65 kilodalton protein) mutations.

How was it done?

The multidisciplinary team consists of a paediatric ophthalmologist, an inherited retinal disease specialist, retinal surgeons, pharmacists and nurses.
SOPs were created for: ordering process, storage of the product, coordination between members of the multidisciplinary team, preparation of the product, administration and disposal of waste.
Preparation of voretigene neparvovec is performed under aseptic conditions in a Class II vertical laminar flow biological safety cabinet (BSC) according to Pharmacy Manual which was ensured by the manufacturer.

What has been achieved?

Since 2020. there had been 47 dose applications of voretigene neparvovec (26 patients, Croatian and nonCroatian citizens).
The prevalence of inherited retinal dystrophy associated with biallelic RPE65 mutation is 1:200 000 and it is expected that there are 19 individuals (population of 3,8, million) with biallelic RPE65 mutation in Croatia, and 13 of them were detected since 2020.
There were no registered side effects which could be associated with errors during the preparation or administration of voretigene neparvovec.

What next?

With the increasing number of gene and cell-based therapies, the need for continuous education of hospital pharmacists and exchange their experiences is greater than ever.

Evaluation of tetracosactide peptide in galenic formulations for rapid adrenocorticotrophic hormone stimulation test


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European Statement

Production and Compounding


Aleksandra Bračko, Janez Ilaš

Why was it done?

The rapid adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test is a commonly performed test in all hospital departments of the University Medical Centre Maribor. The reason for its widespread use lies in its simple execution using a pre-filled syringe containing precisely 1 µg of tetracosactide solution. Until the year 2016, we prepared a 5 ml solution with a concentration of 5 µg/ml in glass vials. Based on a literature data we set a shelf life of three months from the date of production for the solution filled in plastic syringe. The solution in glass vials has a shelf life of four months. We wanted to confirm this shelf-life with several analytical methods.

What was done?

The aim of our work was the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of tetracosactide peptide in a solution with a concentration of 5 µg/ml, filled in glass and plastic containers and stored under different conditions, using multiple methods. We stored the sample solution of tetracosactide for five months under various conditions. We performed the analysis using the Qubit 4 fluorometer, the Bradford method and method based on ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC–HRMS).

How was it done?

The first two relatively simple methods, Qubit 4 fluorometer, the Bradford method, did not provide the desired results. We assume that these methods were not sensitive enough for our sample with a concentration of 5 µg/ml. In the end, we used the UHPLC-HRMS analysis, which proved to be sensitive and highly selective.

What has been achieved?

The peptide molecule has eight basic centers in its structure, so both tetracosactide and each impurity were differently charged in an acidic medium, specifically +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, and +8. The distribution of charge of tetracosactide and impurities among the samples is very similar, with the highest proportion represented by molecules with a charge of +6. We have identified 11 impurities. The highest proportion was represented by impurity with the increased mass of 16 Da (tetracosactide sulfoxide). HPLC-HRMS method is highly selective and allows identification of each impurity

What next?

Based on the findings we will validate a method for quantification of the selected impurities which will allow us to perform the stability study of according to the ICH guidelines.

Preparation of monoclonal antibodies on the pharmacy benchtop – risk assessment and practical considerations


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European Statement

Production and Compounding


Aidan Morris, Louise Byrne

Why was it done?

• mAbs were considered hazardous if handled by staff – prepared in a dedicated isolator in the PAU in TUH.
• No widely accepted standards for safe handling of mAbs, although more recent guidance allows preparation of some mAbs outside of PAUs once risks appropriately assessed.
• Significant reduction in production capacity in the PAU in early 2022 for planned repair work. Benchtop preparation of mAbs implemented to maintain patients’ treatment regimens and to reduce costs associated with outsourcing.

What was done?

• Preparation of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) on the pharmacy benchtop temporarily introduced in the Pharmacy Aseptic Unit (PAU) of Tallaght University Hospital (TUH).
• Guidance from Ireland’s National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) on Pharmacy Benchtop Preparation of mAbs reviewed and implemented.
• Risk assessment carried out for individual mAbs. List of mAbs suitable for benchtop preparation prepared.

How was it done?

• Implementation of the NCCP guidance on Pharmacy Benchtop Preparation of mAbs. Advice on risk assessments and safety, equipment and facilities, and staffing and training when preparing mAbs on the benchtop.
• Literature review of the hazards associated with handling mAbs – toxicity, immunogenicity, risk reduction measures. Individual mAbs assessed for suitability for benchtop preparation using Health Service Executive (HSE) risk assessment tool. This considered toxicity, immunogenicity and closed system transfer device (CSTD)-compatibility of mAbs, and personal protective equipment required.
• CSTD vial adaptor based on air cleaning (filter) technology replaced with vial adaptor with physical barrier (balloon) – additional safety measure. Dedicated area assigned for benchtop preparation – well-ventilated, clutter-free and easy-to-clean.
• Additional training on new vial adaptor provided to pharmacy technicians already experienced in aseptic compounding.

What has been achieved?

• List of mAbs suitable for benchtop preparation prepared. Conjugated antibody-drug complexes, mAbs of fully murine origin and mAbs not CSTD-compatible deemed unsuitable.
• mAbs prepared on the benchtop during period of reduced capacity, maintaining patients’ treatment regimens and reducing outsourcing costs, wastage.
• Facilitated by risk assessment and risk reduction using PPE, training and CSTDs.

What next?

• Although safety and handling requirements of mAbs not fully known, prudent to handle them with more care than most drugs but less than for cytotoxics.
• Contingency plan for benchtop preparation of mAbs in case of future reduced PAU capacity.
• Can be applied to other organisations experiencing periods of reduced capacity.

Sustainability initiative: dose banding of paclitaxel to minimise drug waste


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European Statement

Production and Compounding


Peder Nygard, Helle-Brit Fiebrich-Westra, Elise Smolders

Why was it done?

The aim of this project was to reduce paclitaxel waste caused by cancellation of administrations. Standardised dose bands make interchangeability of already reconstituted paclitaxel bags easier, as more patients use the same dose. This could potentially save drug- and material waste and costs even as manpower.

What was done?

Paclitaxel fixed dose bands were created for patients treated with a weekly dose of 80 mg/m2.

How was it done?

In consultation with prescribers the dose bands for paclitaxel where created (see table). These dosages were implemented as a dose-rounding rules in the drug preparation software (Hix 6.2, ChipSoft BV). The maximum deviation for dose-rounding rules for paclitaxel in our hospital is 10% of the prescribed dose. Dosage ≤72mg or >200mg were rounded as normal.

Prescribed dose (mg) Dose-band (mg) m2 (dose 80 mg/m2
>72 ≤88 78 1.0
>88 ≤102 96 1.2
>102 ≤116 114 1.4
>116 ≤136 126 1.6
>136 ≤152 144 1.8
>152 ≤168 162 2.0
>168 ≤184 174 2.2
>184 ≤200 192 2.4

What has been achieved?

These rules were implemented in April 2022. Data from 1 May 2022 to 31 August 2022 is compared with the same time period in 2021. In 2022, a total of 729 infusions where prepared compared with 872 infusions in 2021.
In this 4 month time period in 2022 a total of 14 different dosages were prescribed, compared with 24 in the same time period in 2021. Additionally, interchangeability was improved as the top 3 dosages prepared by the pharmacy were: 144 mg (36%), 162 mg (22%), and 126 mg (19%) compared with 144 mg (17%), 138 mg (14%), and 126 mg (10%) in 2021.
Furthermore, in 2021 we discarded 33 prepared dosages of paclitaxel of which three infusions could be reused. Compared to 13 discarded dosages in 2022 of which eight were reused giving a reduction of 25 infusions less waste (83% reduction, savings ~2500 euros).

What next?

Pharmacists need to be instructed to adapt these rounding rules, which must decrease the variation in dosages and thus waste. Secondly, this project will be monitored the upcoming year and evaluated together with prescribers. The aim is to implement dose bands for paclitaxel dosages 175 mg/m2 and other chemotherapeutic drugs (eg, oxaliplatin, docetaxel, cyclophosphamide).

Use of a closed-system drug transfer device in the handling and administration of ganciclovir outside the hospital pharmacy unit

European Statement

Production and Compounding


Lucia Ricchi, Gregorio Medici, Porretta Serapiglia Carla, Marzia Bacchelli, Marianna Rivasi

Why was it done?

Hazardous drugs (HDs) may include antineoplastic or cytotoxic agents, biologic agents, antiviral agents, immunosuppressive agents, and drugs from other classes. Healthcare workers, especially nurses and pharmacy personnel, experience occupational exposure to these HDs.
Preparation and administration of ganciclovir should only be performed by health professionals who have been appropriately educated and trained and deemed competent in its use. Until now the preparation of ganciclovir was performed by the pharmacy’s antiblastic drugs unit. However, during closing times, kits for the self-preparation (antiblastic gloves and gowns, FFP3 masks, eye protections and brief instructions for reconstitution) were provided.
Many strategies have been deployed to reduce the risk of occupational exposure to HDs, including control devices designed to act as closed systems and preventing exposure through liquid or vapor leakage. These devices mechanically prohibit the escape of HDs from the system and can be used for preparing and administering these drugs.

What was done?

Some of the intensive care units of our hospital have been enabled to prepare their own ganciclovir bags by using a closed system drug transfer device (CSTDs).

How was it done?

Each nurse involved was instructed by hospital pharmacists on how to handle CSTDs. In addition to this they were also given a short video and an infographic showing the main operations to be carried out.
Ganciclovir bags are prepared using the Tevadaptor® (Simplivia), in a needleless technique, by combination of the Vial adaptor, the Syringe adaptor, the Spike port adaptor and a connector closed male (Spiros, ICU).

What has been achieved?

Use of CSTDs is a simple and effective way to reduce exposure to HDs, provide better protection, better aseptic technique and better containment of waste than the traditional method, as well as allows the preparation of HDs to be carried out outside the antineoplastic drug unit.

What next?

In the future their use could also be extended to the preparation of monoclonal antibodies and antibiotics considering that there is not enough definitive research on the effects of occupational exposure to these agents. And, to date, there is no known safe maximum level of exposure to these drugs.

Expanding hospital pharmacy services by centralizing the preparation of non-cytotoxic intravenous medications: A preliminary overview of the Italian community of APOTECA users

European Statement

Production and Compounding


Alessandro D’Arpino, Fiorenza Enrico, Caterina Donati, Simone Leoni, Giorgia Longobardo, Marco Bellero, Alessandra Bianco, Giuseppe Zacchi, Anna Zaltieri, Stefano Monica, Nicolò Squartini, Matteo Federici

Why was it done?

In most of Italian healthcare organizations, the large majority of non-cytotoxic IV medications are prepared in clinical environment by nursing staff. This is recognized as a complex and labour-intensive process that entails various risks of potential medication errors (microbial contamination, wrong reconstitution/dosing). Centralizing the preparation from the clinical environment to the pharmacy in order to provide ready-to-administer IV medications represents a strategy to improve safety and prevent medication errors.

What was done?

The community of APOTECA technology users is committed to fostering co-de¬sign of technology based on the hospitals’ needs and sharing best practices for improving hospital pharmacy services. During a meeting taken place in September 2021, a panel of hospital pharmacists belonging to APOTECA community laid the groundwork for centralized preparation of non-cytotoxic intravenous (IV) drugs and establishment of Central Intravenous Additive Service (CIVAS) in Italian hospital pharmacies.

How was it done?

The following methodology was adopted to promote a standard profile of centralization: (1) definition of criteria for the selection of drugs suitable for centralized preparation, (2) identification of IV medication classes for which preparation should be centralized due to intrinsic risks and demand, (3) evaluation of potential benefits, (4) discussion on organizational challenges regarding the establishment of CIVAS, (5) assessment of the role of automated preparation with robotics.

What has been achieved?

Five selection criteria to centralize drugs were mentioned: long-term stability data, frequency of use, cost, complexity of preparation, microbial contamination risk. Continuous infusion of antibiotics, vasoactive drugs, anaesthetics, pain medications, intravitreal injections, and patient-individual doses for paediatric patients were chosen as eligible IV medication classes to implement centralized preparation. Major benefits of centralization were pointed out, i.e. proper aseptic preparation, perspective quality controls, process traceability, reduced drug wastage, and releasing nursing time to care. Logistics, inventory management, limited space, and inadequate quality control units were identified as main challenges to the CIVAS establishment. Participants agreed that robotics plays an important role to minimize repetitive manual activities, optimize working efficiency, and increase pharmacy production capacity, thereby streamlining the introduction of CIVAS.

What next?

A close collaboration between healthcare staff and hospital pharmacy will be essential to evaluate the feasibility of centralized preparation as well as its clinical and cost-effectiveness.

New frontiers of hospital pharmacy: management and preparation of human tissues used in the surgery room

European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Andrea Ossato, Giuseppe Giovagnoni, Michele Giannini, Anna Francesca Spada, Francesca Realdon, Valeria Mezzadrelli, Lorenza Cipriano, Nicola Realdon, Teresa Zuppini, Roberto Tessari

Why was it done?

Since 1st October 2019, the regional tissue bank that supplies hospital, stopped sending ready-made tissue to the implant, preferring the shipment of tissues frozen at -80°C. For this reason, the hospital pharmacy developed a procedure for the management of orthopedic allografts ensuring a clear and safe supply chain reducing the waste raised from the obligation of immediate use of the thawed tissue.

What was done?

Hospital pharmacists, in agreement with the hospital administrators and the orthopedic surgery department, developed a new service characterized by procurement, processing, preservation, storage, thawing and preparation of human tissues and cells for orthopedic allografts, according to European and national legislation.

How was it done?

The management of orthopedic allografts took place as follows: was established a dedicated path for communications with orthopedic surgery and bank tissue; tissue thawing and washing was centralized in the clean-room of the hospital pharmacy and were guarantee adequate training of all personnel involved as well as complete standard operating procedure documentation for all stages of the process and appropriate control measures.

What has been achieved?

Evaluation of the process showed that it was favourable in terms of practicality, safety, traceability and cost saving. Especially, the centralization of tissue preparation within clean‐rooms with aseptic technique, allows microbiologically safer setups reducing clinical risk. A further guarantee of safety is given by the sterility process’s validation through Media Fill test. This organisation allowed us to reduce the waste through a more effectively management of the tissues shelf life and any missed surgery with a cost saving and an ethical behaviour.

What next?

Optimise patient outcomes through working collaboratively within multidisciplinary teams and using the limited health systems resources responsibly, are two main goals expressed by the last European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy (ESHP). This study demonstrated how the centralization of tissues management in the hospital pharmacy make the process more efficient and safer and thus comply with the ESHP’s goals; leading to a clinical advantage for patients and better economic impact for the hospital.

SARS-CoV-2 specimen collection kits: maintaining supply through in-house production


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European Statement

Production and Compounding


Nikolaus Lindner, Doris Haider

Why was it done?

In Austria, Covid-19 infection rates began to increase in March. At Clinic Favoriten, over 700 patients were treated during the first wave. This resulted in an increasing demand of specimen collection sets. Even though various wholesalers and contractors were contacted, the orders could not be served in a quantitative or timely manner. These circumstances forced the pharmacy to look for alternative solutions.

What was done?

During the first wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections the hospital pharmacy of Clinic Favoriten, Vienna’s specialised Covid-19 center, assembled specimen collection sets manually to meet rising demands, compensate for shortages and secure vital diagnostics supply.

How was it done?

In collaboration with the laboratory department and other clinics of the Vienna health care group appropriate materials with CE-certification were sought to assemble a set that is easy to handle concerning production, distribution and application.
Sterile plastic tubes were filled aseptically with physiologic saline and labelled. Tubes and sterile swabs were then packed in a plastic bag that was sealed with a label providing general instructions for use. Manufacturing protocols as well as batch documentation ensured quality assurance and traceability.
Major obstacles included availability and suitability of the needed materials. Manufacturers of tubes and swabs had to be changed over time, which required close communication with medical wards and the laboratory department.

What has been achieved?

Over a period of seven weeks 2.033 specimen collection sets were assembled. In detail, a total of 20.330 swabs were packed and 10.165 tubes were filled. Through this measure a continuous supply of specimen collection sets, essential for further Covid-19 testing, was secured.
Moreover, the importance of a pharmacy in-house production with the aim of maintaining supply security was acknowledged throughout the entire hospital.

What next?

The initiative has demonstrated that pharmacists play a vital role in handling product shortages and maintaining supply security. In the future, the pharmacy will reinforce to monitor trends even more and will thus be able to balance changing demands and non-availabilities. Like this, the existence of an in-house pharmacy department securing appropriate supply will gain more and more significance. In times of increasing shortages, the initiative serves as a model for other healthcare systems confronted with similar difficulties.


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.