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European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Sebastian Philip, Andreas Lundgaard

Why was it done?

The screening aimed to ensure the rational use of antibiotics, contributing to the fight against antibiotic resistance and potentially shortening hospital stays by optimizing treatment.

What was done?

A systematic screening of antibiotic treatments for patients was conducted as part of the daily tasks performed by clinical pharmacists at The Medical Acute Care Unit, Bispebjerg Hospital.

How was it done?

For each patient receiving antibiotic treatment in the emergency department, the chosen therapy was systematically reviewed against regional antibiotic guidelines, considering factors such as allergies, resistance profiles, renal function, clinical indication and overall condition of the patient. Recommendations of adjustment of treatment were discussed with the attending physician for potential changes in therapy, including changes to dosage, frequency, route of administration, alternative antibiotic drug, or discontinuation of treatment. All interventions were documented, including the details of the therapy, the recommendation, and whether the attending physician approved the suggested changes.

What has been achieved?

A large dataset has been collected, detailing the number of patients receiving antibiotic treatment, the number of interventions conducted, the specific antibiotic treatment each patient received, the type of intervention performed and its indication, and whether the intervention was approved or rejected by the responsible physician.
The project has laid the groundwork for understanding the clinical pharmacist’s role in enhancing rational antibiotic pharmacotherapy.

What next?

It is planned to analyze the collected data to determine the types of changes in therapy most commonly recommended by clinical pharmacists and to which degree the interventions were approved or denied by the attending physician.
This will provide insights into the pharmaceutical contributions to more rational antibiotic use, highlighting commonly observed ‘areas for improvement’ that could potentially be addressed through education.


European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Lisa Wimmer, Beata Laszloffy, Tamara Clodi-Seitz, Doris Haider

Why was it done?

Antibiotic resistance poses a serious threat to global health, and Austria’s National Action Plan on Antibiotic Resistance (NAP-AMR) highlights the urgency of robust antibiotic stewardship, especially with the 2024 implementation of new antimicrobial quality standards. In response, a 700-bed hospital in Vienna has launched an ambitious initiative, forming a dedicated Antibiotic Stewardship (ABS) team. This interdisciplinary collaboration between physicians and clinical pharmacists is designed to revolutionize antibiotic use, curb resistance, and elevate patient care standards starting in the ICU and associated surgical units.

What was done?

The ABS team took decisive action by targeting one intensive care unit (ICU) and two surgical wards (64 beds in total) for weekly screenings. Infectious disease specialists and clinical pharmacists worked hand-in-hand, meticulously reviewing every patient’s case. This dynamic collaboration ensured not only the highest level of medication safety but also the relentless optimization of antibiotic use, pushing boundaries to meet and exceed best-practice standards.

How was it done?

The ICU and surgical wards—hotspots for antibiotic overuse—were strategically chosen for weekly reviews. In these high-risk areas, an interdisciplinary collaboration of physicians and clinical pharmacists joined forces, taking swift action to assess and fine-tune prescriptions. Pharmacists played a hands-on role, actively reviewing antibiotics and other medications, making recommendations, adjusting dosages, and halting unnecessary treatments. This collaboration was crucial in driving evidence-based decisions that directly elevated patient care to new heights.

What has been achieved?

After just four months, the project has already made significant strides, affecting a substantial number of patients. The majority of interventions have centered on refining antibiotic use, while additional recommendations on other medications have strengthened overall treatment safety. This close collaboration between physicians and pharmacists has directly improved adherence to national guidelines and sharpened prescribing practices.

What next?

Building on early successes, the ABS team will expand screening to additional departments, establishing a pivotal role for clinical pharmacists. This initiative serves as a model for other hospitals, demonstrating that significant improvements in antibiotic stewardship are possible, even with limited resources. The key takeaway: small steps can drive substantial gains in patient care and antibiotic use. As the program progresses, measurable effects on resistance patterns and antibiotic consumption are anticipated.


European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Eva Gómez-Costa; María Begoña Feal-Cortizas; María Mateos-Salvador; Sandra Rotea-Salvo; Andrea Luaces-Rodríguez; Laura Caeiro-Martínez; Clara Fernández-Diz; Andrés Torres-Pérez; Luis Margusino-Framiñán; María Isabel Martín-Herranz

Why was it done?

Implementation of a circuit for the preparation and dispensing of elastomeric infusion pumps (EIPs) prepared in a Hospital Pharmacy Service, designed for the continuous intravenous administration of antimicrobial agents in coordination with Home Hospitalization Units (HHU).

What was done?

The purpose of this initiative is to provide an effective and safe alternative for treating infections in patients who would otherwise require prolonged hospital stays. The use of EIPs improves patients’ quality of life and reduces treatment costs by decreasing hospital admissions.

How was it done?

The Pharmacy Service contributed to the development of this initiative by studying the stability of antimicrobial agents in the EIPs, determining dilution volumes based on the maximum possible concentration, and assessing storage conditions, among other factors. The appropriate EIP was selected for each antibiotic to ensure effective and safe infusion rates. EIPs are prepared in laminar flow hoods to maintain a sterile environment during medication preparation. Additionally, educational materials for healthcare professionals were developed, and training sessions were conducted for HHU staff.

What has been achieved?

In 2023, a total of 2,223 EIPs were prepared to treat 123 patients, resulting in a reduction of 1,426 hospital days. Compared to previous years, there was a 243% increase in the number of infusers and a 131% increase in the number of patients between 2017 and 2019. Between 2019 and 2023, there was an 11.9% increase in infusers and a 36.7% increase in patients.
The antimicrobials used were: meropenem (59.6%), piperacillin/tazobactam (19.9%), cefazolin (6.8%), ceftazidime (5.6%), ceftaroline (2.2%), penicillin G (2.1%), tobramycin (1.5%), ampicillin (0.7%), acyclovir (0.6%), ceftolozane/tazobactam (0.6%), and ceftriaxone (0.4%).

What next?

Future research is expected to expand on the efficacy and safety of this methodology by studying stability times at different concentrations of agents antimicrobials to establish a sustainable model that can benefit an increasing number of patients. Additionally, patient surveys will be conducted to gather insights into their experiences and enhance their quality of life.


European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Solís-Cuñado S. (1), Sánchez-Cerviño A.C. (2), Martínez-Núñez M.E. (1), Gómez-Bermejo M. (1), Martín-Zaragoza L. (1), Rubio-Ruiz L. (1), Onteniente-González A. (1), Molina-García T. (1)
1. Hospital Pharmacy Service, Getafe University Hospital, Getafe (Madrid), Spain.
2. Hospital Pharmacy Service, Puerta de Hierro University Hospital, Majadahonda (Madrid), Spain.

Why was it done?

The implementation of multidisciplinary antimicrobial stewardship teams(AST) in hospitals optimizes antibiotic use in order to improve clinical results, reduce antibiotic toxicity and minimize the emergence and spread of multidrug resistant(MDR) bacteria.
The objective is to present targeted interventions for the improvement of the management of lower respiratory tract infections(LRTI) and to reflect the impact of these strategies through the presentation of antibiotic use results.

What was done?

Two main interventions have been implemented in LRTI:
-Protocolize the management of community-acquired pneumonia(CAP) in order to prioritize beta-lactam plus macrolide(bLM) combination versus fluoroquinolones(FQ) monotherapy. The aim is to decrease FQ consumption due to their safety issues and the major role of this antibiotics in the emergence of MDR bacteria.
-Identify patients with severe LRTI and/or risk factors of multi-drug resistant(RFMDR) bacterial infections to encourage nasal swab screening(NSS) for meticillin-resistance Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) to promote de-escalation of anti-MRSA antibiotics.

How was it done?

Study period: 2023 and first semester of 2024.
-CAP guideline: we studied the bLM vs FQ consumption expressed as the ratio between bLM DOT/FQ DOT (Days Of Therapy; DOT) in all hospitalized patients. Analysis was carried out on forth-month period.
-NSS: we reviewed the total number of NSS performed and the impact on duration of antiMRSA antibiotics therapy. Analysis by semesters.

What has been achieved?

After protocolization, the BLM´s DOT/FQ´s DOT ratio increased 39.4% from the beginning of 2023 until 2024: 0.66 vs 0.92.
Our AST reviewed 378 episodes of LRTI. At least one nasal screening was performed in 60.6% of episodes (n=229/378) of which 29.2% were positive (n=67/229). The mean duration of treatment with anti-MRSA antibiotics in the positive cases was 7.42 days, while in the 214 negative cases it was 6.4 days.
69% of the patients with LRTI that have been reviewed in our AST meets at least one RFMDR.

What next?

The frequent lack of diagnostic value of respiratory samples, coupled with the high percentage of RFMDR patients, results in long-lasting broad-spectrum empirical antibiotic treatments.
It is therefore proposed that a polymerase chain reaction(PCR) test be performed on candidate patients for the purpose of screening for MRSA, with a view to obtaining rapid results that will facilitate earlier antibiotic de-escalations.


European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Lanzone E. (1), Baldessarelli D. (2), Tinebra A. M. (1), Albini E. M. E. (1), Panarotto A. (1), Rossi C. (1) – (1) SC Farmacia Ospedaliera ASL Novara, (2) Scuola di Specializzazione Farmacia Ospedaliera Novara.

Why was it done?

A comprehensive analysis of systemic antibiotic use in hospitals during the first half of 2024 was conducted, revealing a significant increase in the consumption of WATCH class drugs, specifically carbapenems (ATC J01DH) and fluoroquinolones (J01MA). This prompted the implementation of rigorous monitoring for prescriptions of these drug classes.

What was done?

These antibiotics are key targets of the National Plan Against Antimicrobial Resistance (PNCAR 2022-2025), which mandates a reduction of at least 10% in consumption by 2025 compared to 2022. The initiative aimed to address the rising consumption and enhance antibiotic stewardship.

How was it done?

Data were extracted from the regional IT system, with consumption expressed in Defined Daily Doses (DDD) per 100 patient days. The project monitored the use of systemic antibiotics (ATC J01), focusing on carbapenems and fluoroquinolones. Motivated requests received by the Hospital Pharmacy (FO) were reviewed for therapeutic indications, dosage, treatment duration, and the availability of an antibiogram. All requests were recorded in an Excel sheet for effective data analysis and management.

What has been achieved?

In the first half of 2024, the Hospital Pharmacy received a total of 277 motivated requests for antibiotic prescriptions. Among these, 177 requests were aligned with the objectives of the PNCAR. Specifically, there were 54 requests for fluoroquinolones, including 35 for ciprofloxacin and 19 for levofloxacin. Within this subset, 16 requests included an antibiogram, while 27 were based on empirical data. Additionally, there were 6 requests for surgical prophylaxis, 1 for continuation of therapy, 1 accompanied by a positive urine culture, and 3 that were incorrectly filled out.
The analysis of requests also highlighted a significant number related to carbapenems, with a total of 123 submissions. Of these, 120 were for meropenem, 2 for imipenem in combination with cilastatin, and 1 for ertapenem. Notably, 80 of these requests included an antibiogram, with 74 deemed appropriate based on the established criteria.

What next?

Based on the collected data, modifications to the personalized motivated request form were proposed, introducing stricter criteria for empirical use of these antibiotics. This aims to limit their use to serious and well-defined cases, representing a significant step toward more effective antibiotic therapy and improved clinical outcomes while reducing the risk of resistance. The new form specifies that ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin requests can only be made under certain conditions, and carbapenems are restricted to cases of hemodynamic instability or severe respiratory failure.


European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Tea Stiplošek, Alenka Kovačič

Why was it done?

The growing misuse of antimicrobials, resulting in resistant microorganisms and more adverse reactions, has been identified as a significant concern. To tackle this issue, a system was put in place to systematically monitor the hospital’s dispensing and use of reserve antimicrobials.

What was done?

We established a system where each reserve antimicrobial prescription in the hospital is reviewed by a pharmacist, who decides whether to dispense the drug or suggest therapy adjustments. The dispensation of antimicrobial drug to the patient is then recorded in the patient’s medical documentation.

How was it done?

A special prescription form has been prepared, used exclusively for ordering reserve antimicrobials from the pharmacy in our hospital, separate from other medications. The form is reviewed by a pharmacist, who calculates the patient’s creatinine clearance, examines inflammatory markers, checks the alignment of treatment with the antibiogram, and reviews potential interactions with other therapies before deciding whether to dispense the drug. If necessary, the pharmacist suggests modifications to the antimicrobial treatment. Each time the antimicrobial is dispensed, it is recorded in the patient’s medical documentation for easier treatment tracking.

What has been achieved?

This approach has established systematic control over the prescription of reserve antimicrobial drugs, with a clinical pharmacist introducing an additional prescription checkpoint. Analysis of data from our work between 2020 and 2023 shows that during this period, we dispensed 16,464 courses of reserve antimicrobials, with pharmacists recommending therapy adjustments in 2,211 cases (13.6%). On average, we recommended dose reductions in 43.5% of cases due to impaired kidney function and dose increases in 23.5% due to improved kidney function or the need for appropriate dosing for specific indications. Pharmacokinetic monitoring (TDM) interventions, including those for vancomycin, amikacin, and gentamicin, accounted for 29.75% of the interventions, while 3.35% of our recommendations involved therapy changes due to inappropriate treatment based on antibiograms or the patient’s impaired kidney function.

What next?

We are digitizing the ordering system, allowing departments to request antimicrobial drugs directly through the hospital information system. We are also developing an application to calculate kidney function and verify the correct antibiotic dosage for each patient, all in one place.

Initiative for sequential antibiotic therapy: enhancing antimicrobial stewardship in hospitalised patients

European Statement

Patient Safety and Quality Assurance


Ignacio Javier Tamboleo Sánchez, Julia Fernández Vela, Fernando Lago Ballester, Mª CARMEN MIRA SIRVENT, Elena Conesa Nicolas

Why was it done?

The initiative started in October 2022, it was a response to the challenges associated with prolonged intravenous antibiotic use. The overarching goals were to enhance patient care, mitigate unnecessary intravenous antibiotic prescriptions, and foster a culture of responsible antimicrobial stewardship. Recognizing the need for a systematic and collaborative approach, the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (ASP) pharmacist played a central role in implementing interventions across various medical specialties, with a clear focus on improving patient outcomes.

What was done?

The initiative promoted the adoption of sequential antibiotic therapy among hospitalised patients undergoing intravenous treatment for more than three days. Leveraging the Wise Antimicrobial Stewardship Support System® (WASPSS®) and detailed analysis of medical records, the programme identified eligible patients based on criteria such as clinical stability, oral bioavailability, infection specifics, and antibiotic suitability.

How was it done?

The ASP pharmacist’s central role proved instrumental, with 74% of alerts resulting in actionable recommendations. WASPSS® detects every patient with intravenous antibiotic more than 3 days and the ASP pharmacist decides which patients will benefit from sequential therapy. Choosing the recommendation criteria is essential to have a good response from medical specialties ensuring a more efficient and tailored approach to intervention implementation. The main obstacles to the introduction of this initiative were the establishment of refined communication routes and the targeted training to the different specialties which are not yet fully implemented.

What has been achieved?

Results revealed that 74% of alerts met the criteria for transitioning from intravenous to oral administration. Among the 573 alerts reviewed, 45.1% witnessed a successful switch to oral antibiotics, 21.2% showed no change, and 16.7% of patients were discharged. Notably, higher acceptance rates were observed in specific specialties, such as pneumology (61.3%) and general medicine (54.4%). Nevertheless, oncology (35,3%) general and digestive surgery (25,8%) had the lowest acceptance rate. In conclusion, the global acceptance rate was lowest than expected (43,8%) but there are many improvements measures that are being carried out.

What next?

This initiative serves as a beacon for responsible antibiotic management, making noteworthy contributions to patient safety, cost-effectiveness, and the overall quality of healthcare delivery. Recommending ongoing collaboration, continuous training, and regular analysis of recommendation criteria will enhance its impact.

Implementation of a sequential antibiotic therapy programme in a third-level hospital


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European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Ana Concepción Sánchez Cerviño, Jorge Coca Crespo, Maria Rivera Ruiz, Juan Ignacio Alcaraz López, Adrián López Fernández, Elena Pérez García, Bárbara Ubeda Ruiz, Amelia Sánchez Guerrero

Why was it done?

Sequential therapy, or switch therapy, consists of an early conversion from intravenous to oral (PO) treatment, without compromising the therapeutic effectiveness. In advantage, PO in selected cases, avoids intravenous associated risks, it is more comfortable to patients and represents an important economic saving.

The aim of the GPI was to implement a daily program that allows the pharmacist to identify the patients that would benefit from the AST.

What was done?

Implementation of a program of antibiotic sequential therapy (AST) and evaluate the outcome of the pharmaceutical recommendations carried out in a third-level hospital.

How was it done?

A database was created to select the active antibiotic prescriptions with more than 72 hours duration, susceptible to AST: metronidazole, clindamycin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and linezolid.

Patients clinical criteria for initiating AST were established as:
• Temperature ≤ 37 ºC
• Systolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg
• Heart rate < 100 bpm • Respiratory rate < 24 rpm • Oxygen saturation ≥ 90% • Capacity for oral intake Once the patients were identified, the pharmacist communicated the recommendation to the doctor in charge, and worked together to make a final decision. Due to the high burden of care, the follow-up of patients who could not be substituted to PO in the first 72 hours was lost.

What has been achieved?

From October 2022 to March 2023, 453 patients on intravenous antibiotic treatment were reviewed. The mean age was 65.7 ± 20.9, and 57.4% of the patients were men.
47 patients were selected as they met the established criteria.

All the antibiotics presented a similar percentage of recommendation with a mean of 19.2% ± 6.3. Of this percentage, 59.6% of the patients were switched to oral antibiotics. Stands out linezolid, with a 83.3% of acceptance.

Lower respiratory tract infections were the most prevalent, representing 51.6% of the total. However, only 11 patients (5.1%) were suggested for AST due to the frequent use of nasal spectacles or oxygen therapy, a criterion that excludes AST

What next?

The high number of accepted recommendations shows the importance of implementing an AST programme in order to optimize antimicrobial treatment, and this initiative could be easily implemented to all Pharmacy Services.

Analysis of antibiotic prescription over 4 months, antimicrobial stewardship team project


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European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Carlos José Cortés Sánchez, Josefina Giménez Castellanos, Mónica Abdilla Bonías, Arantxa Valdivia Piqueres, José María Gómez Portolés, Irene Toledo Guasp, Eva García Cortés

Why was it done?

Proper use of antimicrobials is essential to ensure their efficacy and minimize the emergence of resistance. The evaluation of antibiotic prescription in a district hospital can provide information about clinical practice, adherence to local protocols, and the possibility of addressing antimicrobial resistance issues.

What was done?

Review the appropriateness of antibiotic prescription according to local guidelines and protocols.

How was it done?

This is 4-month prospective observational study(May to August 2023) in a district hospital. A daily list of admitted patients on antibiotic treatment was obtained through OrionClinic® electronic prescription. Each patient was reviewed and discussed for appropriateness with antimicrobial stewardship team in a Microsoft-TEAMS© chat. The following data were recorded: registration date, patient identification, hospitalization unit, microbiological culture, treatment modality (prophylaxis, empirical, or targeted) and appropriateness using a Microsoft FORMS©.
Descriptive analysis expressed as number and percentage and relationships derived from registration: percentage of patients by hospitalization unit, treatment modality, and appropriateness. Percentage of patients on empirical treatment with microbiological culture. And appropriateness according to treatment modality.

What has been achieved?

A total of 172 patients were analysed, of which 83(48.25%) were surgical patients (orthopaedic surgery, general surgery, urology, gynaecology, otolaryngology), 64(37.2%) are from internal medicine,MIN, 17(9.9%) from intensive care unit,ICU, and 8(4.7%) from paediatrics,PED. Of the total of patients, 95(55.2%) had requested a microbiological culture. About 52(30.2%) patients were on prophylactic treatment, 103(59.9%) empirically, and 17(9.9%) on targeted treatment. In conclusion, 119(69.2%) antibiotic treatments were appropriate (prophylactic 26/50%, empiric 80/77.67% and targeted treatment 13/76.5%).
Breaking-down data by hospitalization unit and treatment, of the 83 surgical (49 prophylactic, 28 empirical, and 6 targeted) 47(56.6%) were appropriate. Among the 64 MIN patients(1 prophylactic, 56 empirical, and 7 targeted), 54(84.4%) were appropriate. In ICU of 17 patients(2 prophylactic, 12 empirical, and 3 targeted), 11(64.7%) were appropriate. In PED of 8 patients(7 empirical and 1 targeted), 7(87.5%) were appropriate. Of the total of patients on empirical treatment(103), in 28(27.2%) there isn’t microbiological sample.

What next?

This is a preliminary analysis of our hospital’s situation in order to assess where interventions are needed for those patients who are not appropriate. It also helps us identify the hospitalisation units in which it is more necessary to implement strategic non-imposing measures to improve antibiotic prescription.

DADA app: automated antibiotic de-escalation. usefulness and results


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European Statement

Clinical Pharmacy Services


Sergio Portillo-Haro, Aída Rueda-Naharro, María Martínez-Pérez, Manuela Martínez-Camacho, David García-Marco

Why was it done?

Currently, multi-resistant microorganisms are a huge global problem of Public Health. In addition, this problem will be bigger in the next decades. The main strategy to face this threat is improve the use of antibiotics. DADA was born with this purpose. The app lets the Pharmacy Department manage a sizable number of inpatients using the time to analyse the results obtained by DADA. In other words, we have improved the efficiency in our use of time.
How was it done?
The app was developed in July 2022, and since then it has been updated multiple times to adapt it to our needs and expectations and the changes in clinical guidelines. Every Monday and Thursday, the app is started up. The results are analysed carefully by a pharmacist and afterwards the conclusions are transmitted to an Infectious Diseases Medician, who decides if modify the treatment.

What was done?

In July 2022, Pharmacy Department designed an app easy to use and comfortable in order to detect active antibiotic treatments that might be de-escalated. This app, DADA (Automated Antibiotic De-escalation) is fed with data of antibiotic treatments and microbiological cultures. DADA reads and understands every gap of information, and finally search results between the active treatments comparing it with theorical de-escalation sequencies, designed by Infectious Diseases Commission in our hospital and based in local epidemiological guidelines. In this way, DADA works with automatic decision algorithms. In addition, DADA also provides alerts of active treatments for resistant microorganisms to that antibiotic.

How was it done?

The app was developed in July 2022, and since then it has been updated multiple times to adapt it to our needs and expectations and the changes in clinical guidelines. Every Monday and Thursday, the app is started up. The results are analyzed carefully by a pharmacist and afterwards the conclusions are transmited to an Infectious Diseases Medician, who decides if modify the treatment.

What has been achieved?

Since August 2022 to March 2023, using DADA, the Pharmacy Department has made 25 proposals of antibiotic de-escalation, and 11 proposals were accepted (44.0%) by Medicians. In addition, the Department made two proposals of change for resistance to that antibiotic, both accepted by Medicians. This app has improved efficiency of time in the clinical team.

What next?

The main outcome is to improve the confidence of Medicians in this tool, in order to increase the percentage of acceptance in the proposals. Furthermore, the app can be more complete and interprets data, such as analytics parameters. In the future, other hospitals might use this tool to analyse their patients or in outpatients treatments.


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.