Providing professional, evidence-based drug information as a pharmaceutical service is a growing topic in clinical pharmacy. With the internet based AKDA drug information Tool (developped by the Drug Information Working Group of the German Association of Hospital Pharmacists) an efficient organization and documentation of this service is possible, guaranteed by more than 10 years of experience. Already 230 hospital pharmacies in Germany and other European countries use this tool, which is available in English, Spanish and German. The database is regularly adapted to the needs of the users. Since launch in 2003, over 60,000 complex enquiries and thoroughly researched answers were documented, either at the password-protected individual level of each pharmacy departement or at the European sharing level.
The AKDA drug information Tool ensures a high standard of quality in accordance with DIN 15224 “QM in health care”, which requires an evidence-based and scientific substantiation of physicians´ and pharmacists´ actions. Since 2015 the database is part of the “European Union for Patient Safety and Quality of Care (”, containing national patient safety projects.