Our GMP-ready pharmaceutical 3D printers have patent-protected in-built quality control and exchangeable printhead systems for technology versatility, quality assurance and easy cleaning. We also provide advanced control software, formulation development services and consultation with our world leading scientists for all of your pharmaceutical 3D printing needs.
FABRX carried out the world’s first clinical study for 3D printed personalised medicine in 2018 and launched their first printer, the M3DIMAKER 1 in 2020. They have since launched their 3-printhead M3DIMAKER 2 pharmaceutical 3D printer and are involved in several more clinical studies worldwide. FABRX collaborates with universities, pharmacies, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies around the world to make this exciting new technology a reality, developing new pharma-inks (preprinted formulation) for personalised medicine and implementing 3D printing into clinical trial work flows for improved efficiency. Get in touch now!
For more informatin, please visit: https://www.fabrx.co.uk