A conference and exhibition on the theme of ‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine – Innovation and Added Value for European Healthcare’ will take place at the Brussels offices of the European Parliament on Tuesday 9th October. The conference has been organised through a collaboration of EPHA, EPHA MEP Elena Oana Antonescu (EPP, Romania) and the European stakeholder group for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (EUROCAM).
. Hosted by Elena Oana Antonescu MEP (EPP, Romania)
. Co-hosted by Sirpa Pietikäinen MEP (EPP, Finland) and Alojz Peterle MEP (EPP, Slovenia)
Date: 9 October 2012, 9:00-12:00 & 15:00-18:00 (conference)
12:30-14:30 (networking lunch and exhibition opening)
Venue: European Parliament, Brussels; room: P7C050
Ms Elena Oana Antonescu, Member of the European Parliament and EUROCAM, (the European stakeholder group for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) with the kind support of the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) have the pleasure to cordially invite you to a conference and an exhibition on the theme of ‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine – Innovation and Added Value for European Healthcare’.
The healthcare sector is currently reaching crisis point as it deals with the impacts of increased life expectancy, a rise in chronic diseases and growing health inequalities putting greater demands on services than ever before. Citizens’ expectations are also changing, with an expectation that healthcare should be more holistic, along with a new sense of self-responsibility for maintaining their own health. In order to bridge the gap between system capacity and demand the appropriate integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is needed alongside the use of conventional care.
The conference will present the reasons for growing citizen demand for CAM, its capacity for increasing citizen wellbeing, and demonstrate the benefits of complementary care in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. It will also draw on a major priority of the proposed Health for Growth Programme: fostering a Europe of healthy, active, informed and empowered citizens who are able to contribute to economic growth.
The purpose of this conference is to demonstrate to the European Commission representatives, European Parliament members and public health stakeholders the innovative contribution of CAM to European healthcare. The meeting will provide room for constructive debate and exchange of ideas for developing comprehensive, innovative and cost effective policies, taking into account the economic challenges currently being faced by the sector.
In order to enhance public awareness and understanding of CAM an extended networking lunch session will include the official opening of an exhibition devoted to CAM. This should provide attendees with a real hands-on experience and includes live demonstrations and taster-sessions of various CAM treatments.
The Conference’s agenda (as of August 2012).
Conference’s speakers short biographies
To register an interest in the event, please follow the registration link.
Participants who require a day-entry badge to enter the European Parliament should in addition send in their date of birth and details on their current place of residence to Tereska Van Den Abeele at tereska@epha.org.
The conference will be held in English (no translation will be available)
* Commissioner Dalli confirmed to deliver a video message!