The Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society (Ordem dos Farmacêuticos) is organizing on October 13th and 14th, at the Lisbon congress Centre, the largest meeting of the Portuguese pharmaceutical area – the Portuguese Pharmacists Congress 2017, under the theme “Medicines for all”.
On October 12th, on the same venue, we will also hold the Pre-Congress Symposium, entitled “Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurship: Doing better”
Professionals, companies, regulators and other healthcare sector stakeholders will gather to analyse the challenges of the Portuguese health system. The debate for new proposals and suggestions for the improvement of healthcare will have national and international approaches. We are aiming at an open, inclusive and convergent discussion around fundamental questions that condition future generations.
Access, equity, safety, quality, efficacy, innovation and evaluation of health technologies are matters not just related to medicines but all the universe of care provided to patients.
Even though this is a Portuguese event, we feel this event to be of extended interest to all pharmacists and students of pharmacy, considering the wide scope of current issues affecting also other regions of the globe. This is also the reason for the invitation of several international speakers that will surely contribute to a high-level agenda.
The Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society is proud to be able to provide access to the event to foreign pharmacists under the same conditions as to Portuguese pharmacists. For that, professionals are only required to present proof of their registration as pharmacists in the country of practice.
Programme: HERE
Registration: HERE
More information at