On behalf of the European Health Management Association (EHMA) and the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP), you are kindly invited to join the upcoming webinar on “Engaging Patients for Patient Safety: Educating and Reporting Medication Harm in Hospitals “, which will take place on Monday, 18 September 2023, from 14:00 to 15:10 CEST.
WHO World Patient Safety Day, observed annually on 17 September, aims to raise global awareness about patient safety and calls for solidarity and united action by all countries and international partners to reduce harm to patients. Patient and family engagement is one of the main strategies to eliminate avoidable harm in healthcare and ‘Engaging Patients for Patient Safety’ is the defining theme for World Patient Safety Day 2023.
Access to safe, quality, and affordable medicines and their correct administration and use is critical for patient treatment and satisfaction. However, harm from medication treatment, including that resulting from a medicine shortage, in hospitals is common. 80 million people in Europe report experiencing a serious medication error during hospitalisation. With the outcomes of enhanced pharmacovigilance practices on medication safety practices in hospitals unclear and widespread deployment and adoption of digitalisation that can contribute to medication safety lagging, error reporting remains one of the most effective strategies to improve patient safety from medication harm.
The 72nd World Health Assembly affirms that informed patients and carers could support the elimination of avoidable harm during care delivery. However, in many cases, patients nor their families are unaware of what systems are available to prevent medication errors nor aware of how to report an error. Therefore, awareness, access, and use of patient-centred, user-friendly, reporting systems, will strengthen the evidence base that medication errors are not an unfortunate occupational hazard in healthcare delivery.
This webinar will raise awareness of how to empower patients to objectively report harm from a medication error and discuss the advantage of empowering patients to improve medication safety in hospitals with reference to the four domains of the WHO’s Global Patient Safety Challenge – patients and the public, health care professionals, medicines and systems and practices of medication.
The event will raise awareness of what systems are available to prevent medication errors in hospitals and explore how healthcare professionals, including health managers, and policymakers can use reports to improve medication management practices and prevent harm from medication errors.
Agenda will be released soon.
Join us virtually on 18 September 2023 from 14:00 to 15:10 CEST – Hurry up and register HERE!