19th-22nd october 2016 Hilton Bomonti Hotel and Conference Center İSTANBUL
This Year our congress theme is “60 Years in Unison” “Confident About The Future”
Turkish Pharmacists’ Association is the umbrella organisation of all pharmacists in Turkey. in our congress there will be 4 full day presentations;
one day for community pharmacists and their subjects are:
1) Our future perspective
2) Right professions of pharmacists in Europe
3) smart pharmacy Project
4) pharmacy economies
one day for hospital pharmacists and their subjects are;
1) Hospital pharmacy with all sizes in Turkey
2) drug preparation techniques featured in Hospital (antineoplastics,tpn,magisterials)
3) drug-induced problems in hospitals (interactions, drug-drug / drug-food / drug stability)
one day for young pharmacists and one day for scientific subjects, panels, conversations.
you can take more information from our web page too.
here are the links: