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EU MONITOR – Share your feedback on EAHP’s ePI survey!

 The EAHP EU Monitor is a regular round up of news relevant to hospital pharmacy in Europe.


Don’t forget to participate in EAHP’s ePI 

Until the end of the month, the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) is collecting input from hospital pharmacists on the use of (electronic) patient leaflets and the future potential of electronic product information (ePI). The survey seeks to gather information on both the use of printed package leaflets and the prevalence of the application of product information in a digital format. Also, the future use of ePI in European hospitals will be looked at. EAHP’s ePI survey is available in English and 20 other European languages covering the majority of EAHP’s membership. Please share your feedback by the 30th of April. 

Access EAHP’s ePI survey HERE


It’s European Immunisation Week! 

From the 26th of April to the 2nd of May, healthcare professionals, European institutions and other stakeholders are celebrating European Immunization Week (EWI) to raise awareness of the importance of immunization in preventing diseases and protecting life. This year’s edition will also focus on COVID-19 vaccines. 

Leading up to EWI, EAHP shared via its social media accounts testimonials from different member countries that showcased how hospital pharmacists – as part of the vaccination team – are raising awareness about vaccine safety and are sharing clear information with citizens that have questions. They play a significant role in providing information to their fellow healthcare professional colleagues on vaccines, their development, differences and administration patterns and by that influence the perception of vaccines and their importance for combating diseases. Due to their training, hospital pharmacists are also able to guarantee the safe handling of vaccines and are in a position to support the traceability and vigilance of COVID-19 vaccines.

EIW was first implemented by a small number of countries in 2005. The goal was to increase vaccination coverage by raising awareness of every child’s need and right to be protected from vaccine-preventable diseases. Since its initial realization, EIW has become one of the most visible public health campaigns in the European region which includes all stakeholders ranging from public health institutes and healthcare professionals to policy- and decision-makers.

Learn more about EWI 2021 HERE 

Read EAHP’s Opinion on COVID-19 Vaccine Programmes and their Implementation HERE


EU JAMRAI – learnings from the Joint Action 

Earlier this year, the Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU JAMRAI) concluded its work. Together with different stakeholder the initiative addressed the issue of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) from many different angles, including but not limited to stewardship teams, best practice sharing and surveillance. 

Together with many other stakeholders, EAHP contributed to the activities of the Joint Action which have truly covered many aspects of AMR. Although the subject has been challenging EU JAMRAI delivered many useful outcomes including the AMR Symbol, the country-to-country assessments, the communication strategy, the Infection Control Strategy, the real-time surveillance network and the identification of research gaps. Many of the useful resources and recommendations, such as the policy briefs and the report with a full overview of the main outcomes and results of the EU-JAMRAI can be found on the website of the Joint action. Have a look at the documents and share those relevant for the work on AMR in your country with relevant stakeholders. 

Access the policy briefs HERE

Read the layman report HERE


New report on improving access to healthcare

The European Commission published a report by the EU Expert Group on Health Systems Performance Assessment (HSPA) titled: Improving access to healthcare through more powerful measurement tools. The report shows how a better measurement framework can make an impact on a broader policy context through mitigating consequences of accumulated social, economic and health disadvantage. 

In light of the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the report looked at pre-existing barriers to healthcare access and explored how data gathered by authorities could be better utilised with the help of different tools whose full potential has not yet fully been explored. Tools that the report looked at included measures of equitable distribution of health benefits, patient vignettes, which have also been tested in pilots  (covering mental, dental, stroke care) and tools that can be used at national level to better understand hurdles experienced by vulnerable groups. The conclusions emphasised that by putting the tools explored by the report into practice, measures could be refined and problems related to the accessibility of healthcare could be captured. Also, it was underlined that these tools have the potential to support health systems in improving health outcomes overall and targeting the most vulnerable groups which in turn would help health systems that mange to address these issues to become more resilient.

Read the report HERE

EJHP: The May issue is out!

The editorial reflects on evidence-based medicine in the current pandemic. There is also a systematic review on potential management strategies for palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia associated with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, several original research articles, short and case reports as well as EAHP’s Position Paper on Patient Safety. Among other things, the May issue also gathers the EAHP opinion focusing on the application of the medical device regulations and information from the European Coalition for Vaccination which calls on healthcare professionals to get vaccinated against COVID-19. 


Read the May issue HERE




[COVID-19 Updates]


EAHP’s COVID-19 Resource Centre

To assist its member associations and individual hospital pharmacists in this critical time with the provision of the best possible care for patients, EAHP has decided to gather and make available information on COVID-19 relevant for the hospital pharmacy profession.

Access the Resource Centre HERE

COVID-19: treatment recommendations: tocilizumab and monoclonal antibodies | Covid-19 : recommandations thérapeutiques : tocilizumab et anticorps monoclonaux

The French High Council for Public Health is updating the therapeutic recommendations for the management of Covid-19 regarding tocilizumab and monoclonal antibodies.

Access the recommendations HERE


British Geriatrics Society – COVID-19 and medicines advice for older people

The British Geriatrics Society (BGS) has put together a guidance document for the medical treatment of older people with COVID-19. 

Access the guidance document HERE

European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy – Hospital pharmacy response to COVID-19 at two UK teaching hospitals: a departmental review of actions implemented to inform future strategy. 

The research determines the views of pharmacy staff on a departmental response to wave 1 of the UK COVID-19 pandemic in order to inform a strategy for a second wave at two large UK National Health Service hospitals.

Read the article HERE

Genes & Diseases – Pandemic COVID-19: Current status and challenges of antiviral therapies

The research summarises the mechanisms of antiviral therapies and the clinical findings from different countries.

Read the article HERE


Assess the level of implementation of the Statements within your hospitals

To help you with the implementation of the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy, EAHP has developed a self-assessment tool (SAT) which helps you understand the level of Statement implementation in your pharmacy.  Talk to your chief pharmacist and encourage him/her to work with the SAT. In case you are the head of the pharmacy get your team together and complete your assessment today with the help of the SAT.  The tool is available in different language versions. Check them HERE.







European Commission – Public Consultation: European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA)

The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the need for coordinated EU level action to respond to health emergencies. It revealed gaps in foresight, including demand/supply dimensions, preparedness and response tools. A European HERA is a central element for strengthening the European Health Union with better EU preparedness and response to serious cross-border health threats, by enabling rapid availability, access and distribution of needed countermeasures. Through the public consultation you can express your views on HERA before the Commission finalises its proposal.

Deadline – 12th May 2021

Access the consultation HERE


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.