The EAHP EU Monitor is a regular round up of news relevant to hospital pharmacy in Europe.
Register for EAHP’s Virtual Anniversary Congress
From 23rd to 28th of March 2021, the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) will be holding its annual congress. This year’s edition will be a virtual celebration of EAHP’s 25th Congress anniversary. Sign up today to save your seat to learn more about the latest developments in hospital pharmacy.
The virtual Congress platform is perfect for both formal presentations and casual conversation and enables you to join live panel discussions with hospital pharmacy and healthcare experts, the opening and closing ceremonies as well as social events and networking opportunities. EAHP 2021 Congress partners will also be available to interact directly with you in our virtual exhibit hall. This year’s programme, including seminars, workshops and three Synergy Satellite events which are looking at recent and innovative developments in the field of biosimilars and antithrombotic stewardship, is spread out over 6 days including evenings and a weekend. This will allow you to attend many more scientific sessions than you would be able to join during a physical event. Congress participants will also be provided with access to session presentations after the Congress and the e-Poster Walk Sessions.
The virtual Congress will cover some of the ongoing challenges faced by hospital pharmacists, like tackling antimicrobial resistance, delivering seamless care, raising the quality of hospital pharmacy compounding, moving forward advances in clinical pharmacy and increasing the role of hospital pharmacists in the multidisciplinary teams in hospitals and on the interface with community or outpatient settings. Also, learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic will be shared. Special registration rates are offered to young professionals and students who can also benefit from this year’s student programme focusing on “Healthcare professionals’ collaboration as a key to patient-centred care”.
Register HERE
Consult the programme for #EAHP2021 HERE
EAHP Members Home: All the information relevant to you in a nutshell
EAHP invites you to join the newly created EAHP’s member website where you can find all relevant information such as toolkits, marketing material and direct access to the EJHP.
Moreover, Wolters Kluwer offers to EAHP members a subscription to Lexicomp® at a special member rate to assist them in their professional careers. For over 20 years Lexicomp® has provided smart, independent drug information resources that help students excel in classes and support the decision-making in rotations. Furthermore, Wolters Kluwer as a provider of UpToDate® also offers to EAHP members valuable offers and discounts. With UpToDate®, hospital pharmacists that are members of EAHP can have access to more than 11,800 Clinical Topics in 25 specialities, more than 9,300 Graded Recommendations and 4,200 Pharmacotherapy Tables and Algorithm.
Check out the new working space for EAHP members HERE
EAHP’s Synergy Certification goes online!
The next Synergy Certification Course, organised by our colleagues from Euro-Pharmat, on medical devices will take place online due to the on-going developments with COVID-19. Join colleagues from across the world on 9th March 2021.
During the online event, panellists will discuss the basics of the medical devices for the provision of healthcare to citizens and its role in both the European and global economy. The afternoon session is dedicated to the pharmacists’ role in the management of the patient by medical devices. Interested hospital pharmacists are encouraged to sign up for this online event!
See the programme HERE
Register HERE
Online event – Securing trust in the global COVID-19 supply chain

This Thursday, GS1 Healthcare is organising an Executive Dialogue to discuss how global standards can contribute to efficient distribution and administration of the COVID-19 vaccines globally. The online event will be joined by Tjalling van der Schors, hospital pharmacist at the Dijklander Hospital and EAHP Director of Professional Development.
If you are interested in hearing about the key challenges and opportunities and early learnings presented by the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines worldwide join the “Securing trust in the global COVID-19 supply chain” online event on 28th of January at 1 PM CET.
Learn more HERE
Public consultation for the EU legislation on blood, tissues and cells launched
The European Commission has launched a public consultation for the European legislation on blood tissues and cells. The initiative aims to update the legislation to provide a more flexible alignment with scientific and technological developments, to tackle the (re-)emergence of communicable diseases, including lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic and to focus on the increasing commercialisation and globalisation of the sector. Feedback can be shared until 15th of April 2021.
The EU legislation on blood, tissues and cells ensures safety and quality of these substances used every day to treat patients, in transfusion, cell and tissue transplantation or medically assisted reproduction. The donations are also critical for the manufacture of certain medicines. The current legislation was evaluated by the European Commission and the results were published in October 2019. The evaluation concluded that the legislation had effectively improved the safety and quality of these substances in the EU but it identified several shortcomings and gaps. Those included, for example, incomplete protection of EU citizens (patients, donors and offspring from medically assisted reproduction), difficulties to offer innovative therapies to patients and challenges to the sufficiency of supply of these substances.
To address those issues, the Commission has proposed policy options and other measures, which are described in the roadmap document. This consultation allows the public to express their views on these options. The feedback received will help the European Commission to elaborate and propose a revised up-to-date and better fit-for-purpose legislation on blood, tissues and cells.
Access the consultation HERE
Only a few days left to share your good practices to tackle antimicrobial resistance

The AMR Stakeholder Network led by the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) is looking for good practices for the successful management of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Submit your initiative by 29th January 2021.
AMR can only be addressed through a multi-disciplinary approach, integrating human and animal health as well as environmental perspectives. EU and national decision-makers must therefore adopt a true ‘One Health’ approach in their actions to tackle AMR. Therefore, to be considered by the Selection Committee made up of members of the AMR Stakeholder Network, good practices submitted should fall into one of the five areas of the AMR Stakeholder Network 2019 Roadmap for Action on Antimicrobial Resistance. Also, they should tackle AMR in human, animal or environmental health.
Learn more about the call for good practices to tackle AMR and the selection criteria HERE
EJHP: Pharmacists’ considerations on non-medical switching at the hospital: a systematic review of the economic outcomes of cost-saving therapeutic drug classes

The Systematic review published in the online edition of the European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (EJHP) aims at to giving a state-of-the-art summary regarding the economic outcomes resulting from the use of non-medical switching (NMS) strategies and to discuss whether they would be implementable in a hospital inpatient setting. The authors conducted a systematic literature search in Medline, Embase, and ScienceDirect. Studies published between 1988 and 2018 were included if they evaluated the economic impact of NMS strategies or if they performed an economic evaluation between two drugs. As a conclusion, that NMS strategies with medicines whose management do not require a thorough clinical assessment were associated with reduced costs and no significant changes in patients’ health outcomes, in the inpatient setting.
Read the article HERE
[COVID-19 Updates]
EAHP’s COVID-19 Resource Centre
To assist its member associations and individual hospital pharmacists in this critical time with the provision of the best possible care for patients, EAHP has decided to gather and make available information on COVID-19 relevant for the hospital pharmacy profession.
Access the Resource Centre HERE
National Health Service (NHS) Specialist Pharmacy Service – COVID-19 Vaccines
The Specialist Pharmacy Service of the NHS has put together information and guidance common across vaccines and specificities of vaccines already on the market.
Access the COVID-19 Vaccines Hub HERE
Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice – Global oncology pharmacy response to COVID-19 pandemic: Medication access and safety
The document aims to provide a global oncology pharmacy perspective (including both developed and developing nations) on how COVID-19 has impacted access to and delivery of cancer therapies.
Read the article HERE
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology – Using in silico viral kinetic models to guide therapeutic strategies during a pandemic: An example in SARS‐CoV‐2
The article proposes the use of in silico mathematical models to provide insights that optimize therapeutic interventions designed to effectively treat respiratory infection during a pandemic.
Read the article HERE
Start the year with an eye on the self-assessment tool!

Have a look at EAHP’s social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram) in order to learn more about the self-assessment tool and the latest developments of the Statement Implementation Learning Collaborative Centres (SILCC) programme. Don’t forget to also review EAHP’s Statements website which is a great resource and provides you with all relevant information about the implementation of the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy.

European Commission – European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control: reinforced mandate
The European Commission is collecting feedback on a proposal for a regulation seeking to reinforce the mandate of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
Deadline – 2nd February 2021
Find more information HERE
European Commission – European Medicines Agency: strengthened role to address public health emergencies
The European Commission is collecting feedback on a proposal for a regulation that seeks to strengthen the role of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in the field of public health emergencies.
Deadline – 2nd February 2021
Find more information HERE
European Commission – Serious cross-border health threats: stronger, more comprehensive rules
The European Commission is collecting feedback on a proposal for a regulation on serious cross-border health threats.
Deadline – 2nd February 2021
Find more information HERE
European Commission – Digital health data and services: the European health data space
The European Commission is consulting on the Inception Impact Assessment and Roadmap for the creation of a European Health Data Space.
Deadline – 3rd February 2021
Find more information HERE
EDQM – Pharmeuropa PaedForm, Issue 3
The European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM) released Issue 3 of Pharmeuropa PaedForm, in which the draft text for Phosphate 60 mg/mL Oral Solution is published for public consultation prior to its inclusion in the European Paediatric Formulary. This is the fourth monograph elaborated by the PaedForm Working Party.
Deadline – 31st March 2021
Find more information HERE