| Affiliation: DLI Market Intelligence Country: Denmark Conflict of interest: None Workshop’s titles: Problems related to procurement: what are they and how can they be solved? |
| Affiliation: Southend Hospital NHS Trust Country: United Kingdom Conflict of interest: None Seminars’ titles: Procurement and tenders: what, when and how? |
| Affiliation: Danish Medicines Council Country: Denmark Conflict of interest: None Seminars’ titles: National procurement of new hospital drugs / Differentiated procurement strategy based on specific drug types – the danish model |
| Affiliation: RIZIV INAMI Country: Belgium Conflict of interest: None Seminar’s title: International collaboration: experiences from the beneluxa initiative |
| Affiliation: University of Athens Country: Greece Conflict of interest: None Seminar’s title: International Collaboration: Experiences from the Valetta Declaration / Managed entry agreements: how can they be used in practice? |
| Affiliation: Hospital Pharmacy of North Denmark Region Country: Denmark Conflict of interest: None Seminar’s title: Evaluation of the procurement process and outcome Workshop’s title: How do we ensure implementation of procurement results? |
| Affiliation: Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Country: Portugal Conflict of interest: None Seminar’s title : Procurement Of Drugs In The Hospital Setting Workshop’s title: The Art Of Negotiation In Hospital Practice |
 | Affiliation: Sismanoglio General Hospital of Athens Country: Greece Conflict of interest: None Workshop’s title: The Art Of Negotiation In Hospital Practice |
| Affiliation: University Hospital Antwerp Country: Belgium Conflict of interest: None Seminar’s title : Procurement of medical devices and medicinal gasses |