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24th Congress- Barcelona11


All GPIs submitted will be considered for the 30th EAHP Congress taking place in 2026


Pharmacy practice and education are very diverse across Europe, but of our ability to improve what we do comes from sharing with colleagues from other hospitals/regions/countries the good experiences that we have. The EAHP has defined specific statements about the goals for hospital pharmacy in Europe, but in many areas we are a long way from reaching them. There is a long and winding road ahead, and GPI’s should be seen as steps along this road, so the real question is: do you have an experience you want to share with colleagues that shows the way to the fulfillment of EAHP statements?

So, a GPI is an initiative, either in pharmacy practice or in pharmacy education, implemented in a hospital / group of hospitals / region / country, that, in line with EAHP statements, reports relevant experiences in specific areas of pharmacy practice or education. Examples are:

Example 1: (Section 1: 1.1. Introductory Statements and Governance. 1.1. The overarching goal of the hospital pharmacy service is to optimise patient outcomes through working collaboratively within multidisciplinary teams in order to achieve the responsible use of medicines across all settings.

I have started a collaborative work with nurses in the oncology day care hospital, by which I improve patient education to patients, and I can achieve improvements in the responsible use of medicines. I can describe what was done and show some data and/or rationale to support this. I am moving towards statement 1.1. and I believe other colleagues can replicate what I did in their own settings.

Read here the GPI book from 2020 and 2021.

To check if your abstract meets the eligibility criteria for being a GPI or an abstract, answer all the following questions:

Table 1: The eligibility criteria for being a GPI or an abstract.

1. Is your abstract relevant for hospital pharmacists? Yes: Your abstract may be a scientific abstract or a GPI
No: Please do not submit your work to EAHP
2. Does your abstract describe a protocol or plan for a project not yet conducted? Yes: Please do not submit your work to EAHP
No: Your abstract may be a scientific abstract or a GPI
3. Is your abstract about the development and implementation of a pharmacy practice or a program in pharmacy education? Yes: Your abstract may be a GPI
No: Your abstract may be a scientific abstract
4. Can other colleagues use your experience as the basis to introduce the same type of improvement in their settings by e.g. observing what you did in your setting? Yes: Your abstract may be a GPI
No: Your abstract may be a scientific abstract
5. Does your abstract describe a project conducted as a scientific study using e.g. robust methodology? Yes: Your abstract may be a scientific abstract
No: Your abstract may be a GPI         

For authors interested in submitting a scientific abstract, please click here:

If you want to submit a GPI, please check the instructions below

The GPI initiative was launched as part of EAHPs effort to show to stakeholders what European hospital pharmacists are doing, and might also be part of the coming educational programme of EAHP.

The overall purpose of collecting and sharing GPIs is:

    • to inspire and encourage fellow hospital pharmacists in other countries to strive for the next high standard in practice;

    • to identify how colleague hospital pharmacists were able to overcome barriers and obstacles in order to make improvement happen; and,

    • to give recognition to those who have completed successful new initiatives in hospital pharmacy service.

GPIs must be linked to one of the sections of the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy approved at the European Summit on Hospital Pharmacy in May 2014. The EAHP statements are separated into the 6 themes below:

    1. Introductory Statements and Governance

    1. Selection, Procurement and Distribution

    1. Production and Compounding

    1. Clinical Pharmacy Services

    1. Patient Safety and Quality Assurance

    1. Education and Research 

Good Practice Initiatives (GPIs) in hospital pharmacy services that do not involve a scientific study can also be submitted online. GPIs submitted during previous congresses may be viewed here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: To avoid rejection of your GPI during the selection process, please review the submission guidelines and poster guidelines before submitting your GPI. Also, if a same GPI has been submitted by its author(s) both as a Good Practice Initiative and as an abstract, the judges will reject both abstracts. SHould you have submitted your work both as a GPI and an abstract by mistake, please make sure you immediately contact the EAHP office on

Additionally, please submit your GPI using an email address that will not be blocked by spam servers. For this reason, we recommend that you use your personal email address to submit your GPI(s), versus the email address from your organisation.

When submitting your GPI, it is also important that you instert the name of the presenting author in the list of co-author(s)

All GPIs approved by the EAHP Scientific Committee (SC) will be uploaded into the GPI database, which can be accessed via the EAHP webpage.

The EAHP SC will each November identify a number GPIs for poster presentations at the upcoming congress. Ideally all EAHP statements will be represented with a maximum of 5 posters. The selected GPIs will be printed in the programme book for the congress. The authors of the GPIs selected for poster presentation will be contacted by the EAHP office for further arrangements. Authors whose GPIs have been accepted must submit a poster during the annual congress.

The EAHP SC will each November identify GPIs for short oral presentations for the upcoming congress. Ideally 2 GPIs per EAHP statement will be selected. The selected GPIs will be printed in the programme book for the congress. The authors of the GPIS selected for oral presentation at the annual congress will be contacted by the EAHP office for further arrangements. Authors whose GPIs have been selected for an oral presentation will need to create both a poster and a power point presentation.


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.