The GPI initiative was launched as part of EAHPs effort to show to stakeholders what European hospital pharmacists are doing, and might also be part of the coming educational programme of EAHP.
The overall purpose of collecting and sharing GPIs is:
- to inspire and encourage fellow hospital pharmacists in other countries to strive for the next high standard in practice;
- to identify how colleague hospital pharmacists were able to overcome barriers and obstacles in order to make improvement happen; and,
- to give recognition to those who have completed successful new initiatives in hospital pharmacy service.
GPIs must be linked to one of the sections of the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy approved at the European Summit on Hospital Pharmacy in May 2014. The EAHP statements are separated into the 6 themes below:
- Introductory Statements and Governance
- Selection, Procurement and Distribution
- Production and Compounding
- Clinical Pharmacy Services
- Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
- Education and Research
Good Practice Initiatives (GPIs) in hospital pharmacy services that do not involve a scientific study can also be submitted online. GPIs submitted during previous congresses may be viewed here.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To avoid rejection of your GPI during the selection process, please review the submission guidelines and poster guidelines before submitting your GPI. Also, if a same GPI has been submitted by its author(s) both as a Good Practice Initiative and as an abstract, the judges will reject both abstracts. SHould you have submitted your work both as a GPI and an abstract by mistake, please make sure you immediately contact the EAHP office on
Additionally, please submit your GPI using an email address that will not be blocked by spam servers. For this reason, we recommend that you use your personal email address to submit your GPI(s), versus the email address from your organisation.
When submitting your GPI, it is also important that you instert the name of the presenting author in the list of co-author(s)